Chapter 1

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"Hey captain how about me and you go grab some dinner." Bucky said as he walked up behind Peyton

"Ugh get off of me." she said

"Oh come on darlin it's just dinner between two captains." he said 

She rolled her eyes and said "Not even if you were the last man on the planet would I have dinner with you." 

He pulled her to him and he said "oh why not. I'm a whole lot of fun baby doll." 

"I'm sure you also have an STD." she said as she pushed him away.

"Ugh Peyton." he said

She walked out of the gym and got in her car and went home. A few days later was the first home game of the season she pulled into the student parking lot and had her hair curled into a ponytail and her uniform on. 

She was walking up the parking lot and responding to a text from Nat and didn't see the boys playing toss in the parking lot till Bucky backed into her and knocked her down and he said "Peyton I'm so sorry I didn't know you were behind me" as he helped her up. 

"My phone please." she said

"I get a kiss on the cheek and then you can have it back." he said 

She rolled her eyes and said "Buck please." 

"Mmhm kiss me right here." he said

"No." she said 

"Oh come on it's just my cheek." he said then her phone buzzed.

"Mmm who are you texting this early." he said as he unlocked her phone

He started to read through her messages with Natasha then said "You and Nat are boring let's see who else you talk to." 

"Oh look who has Tinder boys little miss curves herself." Bucky said as he saw her tinder app.

She jerked her phone out of his hand and said "Watch where you are going." 

"Oh baby you don't need that app I can give you a good time if you need one." he said 

"You annoy me Barnes no way in hell are you getting in between my legs." she said as she walked away. 

"Little Miss Curves you will let me one day." he said 

"No I won't and stop calling me that." she said as she went into the school. 

That night after the game she left and met up with someone she swiped on tinder and had sex in her backseat with her cheer uniform still on. Monday morning rolled around and she had her dark hair into a side braid and her glasses on and a baggie hoodie and yoga pants. 

"You left in a hurry Friday night." Bucky said as he walked up to her at her locker.

"So.." she said 

"Who did you go meet." he said

"I met someone and fucked them okay not like it's any of your business." she said

"Yeah yeah." he said then stood right behind her and got right in her ear to whisper "How many times darlin did he get you off huh? Was it once or twice." 

"Please stop asking me sexual questions." she whispered 

"Oh baby doll I know it had to be once cause you are still bitchy and able to walk." he said 

"Barnes what are you doing." she whispered

'Just trying to figure out how you could have boring sex and I could give you mindblowing sex." he whispered.

"Ugh no never." she said 

He rolled his eyes and said "Fine then keep having your boring sex." in a raised tone.

She closed her eyes and she turned around and said "Barnes shut up my sex life is none of your business you will never have me so stop trying." in a raised tone. 

"You will change your mind." he said

"In your dreams baby." she said as she walked away. 

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