Chapter 2

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Peyton was in her Economics class when there was a knock on the door. "Sorry to interrupt but Coach Fury would like to see Peyton Monroe." 

"Peyton Coach Fury wants to see you." Ms Hill said

"Oh okay.' She said as she gathered her stuff. She followed Mr Coulson to the conference room and saw Bucky sitting there with both her coach and the football coach and Coach Fury who was the athletic director. 

"I've called this meeting because it's come to my attention that you two can't seem to get a long and after hearing about the fight in the hallway this morning and about how you bumped into her and refused to give her phone back to her in the parking lot Friday morning. I have decided that you two from now on when it is away games you two will sit together on the bus and not only that but you Mr Barnes will help Ms Monroe plan the pep rally." Fury said

"Excuse me? I can't stand him and now you are forcing me to get along with him." Peyton said 

"Ms Monroe I will advise you to change your attitude" Mr Coulson said

"I quit I refuse to get along with him." she said 

"Peyton.." Bucky said 

"No I will not do this." she said

"Peyton Marie you will do this." the cheer coach said who happens to be Peyton's step mom. 

"UGH!!!" She said as she walked out of the meeting.

"Sorry for my step daughter's behavior." Coach Monroe said 

After school she was in the library working on her homework Bucky came in and sat beside her and said "So you are stuck with me now sweetheart." 

"Leave me alone. 'she said

"Nope I'm suppose to help you with the pep rally." he said 

She sighed as she laid her head down and said "You just had to start something this morning." 

"So how do you plan a pep rally?' he said

"Well it's not just the pep rally I have to come up with stuff for homecoming week since that's when we do the stupid thing." she said as she continued to lay her head down. 

"Well let's get started." he said 

She groaned and pulled out her notebook to get started to write down ideas. After they were done she gathered up her stuff and he said "Now can I take you to dinner." 

"No." she said

"Peyton please." he said 

"No." she said as she walked out of the library. 

She got home and slammed the door. Her dad George said "Peyton Marie Monroe if I ever hear that you were screaming down the hall about your sex life I will personally send you to your grandmother's house in NY and let her take care of you." 

"Yes sir." she said as she went downstairs to her room. A few days later was the first game that was an away game. She got in the front seat and pulled out her headphones plugged them into her phone just as Bucky sat down. Then her step mom came over to her and said "Nope you two are going to get along and that means no ignoring" as she took her headphones and Bucky's.

"Tegan please don't do this." she said 

"No." her step mom said 

Peyton crossed her arms and laid her head against the window and wiped tears. Natasha looked at Wanda and said "Geez they are harping on them bad." 

"Yeah" Steve said 

Bucky looked down "Peyton" he whispered 

"Just don't okay." she whispered 

They got to the game played and won the game. Once they got closer to their school Tegan gave them back their headphones and said "From now on Friday nights that are away games you don't bring these." 

"Yes ma'am" Bucky said 

"Yeah sure." Peyton said as she got up and got up off the bus. She got to her car and opened her trunk when Bucky came up behind her and he said "Hey." 

She slammed her trunk and said "What?" 

He bit his lip and he said "I know you hate me. And I know that you don't like me for some reason but can you please just do what they ask instead of being a baby about everything." 

She crossed her arms and said "You think I"m being a baby about this. You think I like the fact that I basically got told earlier this week that if I didn't learn to know that there is a time and place for the conversation in the hallway that my dad was going to send me to my grandma whose all modest mary to straighten me out." 

"Peyton I just want us to do what they ask cause I over heard them say that if we didn't get along by the time basketball season start they are going to make us do it for basketball season too. " he said

"Fine." she said as she went to get in her car. 

He walked over to her and placed his hand over hers before she could get in her. "Dinner with me please?' he whispered in her ear. 

"What is open at 11 pm at night." she said 

"Um lots of places that you obiviously don't eat at." he said 

He had her follow him to Applebee's that was close to the beach since they live close to Myrtle Beach. They went in and the hostess sat them down they ordered their food and appetizers and he said "Um I had an idea for the pep rally for the seniors." 

"Okay." she said as she sipped her water and played with her ice.

"Um maybe the senior football players and the cheerleaders and dancers can do like a performance together I mean we would have to find a song for us but I just figured it's our last year maybe we could have some fun with it." he said

"I guess that could work." she said 

"Great." he said 

They ate their food he paid for both his and hers and he walked her to her car. "Um so um I'll see you tomorrow we can work on finding songs for the pep rally." 

"Yeah" she said 

She got in her car to drive home he wasn't to far behind her as he lived 3 houses down from her. 

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