Chapter 14

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Ghost's Pov
"Swapping mags!"Rook said whule reloading his weapon.We kept shooting for the rest of the time.We always get swarmed by these creatures."Tachnaka!!The Charges!!"I shouted as he opwned fired his turret to all the attackers.After a few minutes,a bigger one arrived and smashed the barricades.We kept shooting at it but it's armor is too tough.Montagne got punched by it making him a fly through the window.I saw somw kind of a weakpoint in his back so i focused my LMG on it as the creature got on it's knees and died in the ground."Ok,that's a tough one.By the way,refill your stuff in here and we will proceed to Extraction"i said as they do."Wait,i think we should split up.I'll take Montagne and Rook with me while you take the rest"Tachnaka said as we nodded.I approached him as i patted his back"Goodluck mate"i said as he nodded and get us in a manly hug.He leaved as i contacted Thermite"Ok Thermite,get us out of here"i said"Ok,i will calk Jager,Jager,Jager do you copy?!"i heard Thermite saying through the comms"Your position is too hot and swarmed.I will contact you if i found a spot.Wait!!Fuck im pinned by flying spike.Mayday,Mayday,im going down!im going-"then Jager's radio got static meaning he crashed landed"Jager!Jager!.Shit,you have to find Jager.He is North West from your position.Get in there,and protect him until Foxtrot arrived.Thermite out"he said as we moved out.We run as hostiles appeared from everywhere"Clear the area of hostiles!!"i shouted as they opened fired.There a lot of them in the streets meaning there's a lot of civilians outside when the Outbreak started.Kapkan threw his Nitro Cells and detonate it while Sledge take out his hammer and smashed thw hostile into a paste of blood.I threw Armageddon grenades through them as the street became cleared."Ok,let's continue finding Jager and get him out of here"i said as we moved on.I hope Tachnaka's crew is ok...
Tachnaka's Pov
We heard that Jager's pinned down so we've quickly run and gun just to approach him."Montagne!!!1 o'clock!!"Rook shouted as Montagne rushed through the horde and take them down by his shield."Where almost there,We just have to-"Rook suddenly got cut up as a Big one punched him from the back making him fly away.Montagne started shooting at it as he got punched too.I focused my turret at it as it charged at me but i managed to dodge it.I found the Weak point as i guns blazed at it and died.The two are badly wounded since they got spikes on the legs.I dragged them in and leaned them against the wall and positioned in the middle of the street."Hawkins,i need Extraction now!"i said through the comms"Ok,im coming in 3.Hold still!"he said as  i waited and started shooting through infecteds.I could see the 2 standing up and joining me to at my happiness.After a couple of hordes,Hawkins arrived.We hopped the Helicopter as i continued firing at infecteds.Well,Comrade Willard,good luck...
Ghost's Pov
We continued clearing out streets and when the big one came is always a problem.I shoot at it's weakpoint just to make things fast.We arrived at an open garage,we entered it and closed it.We refill some ammo,supplies,and mostly medkits.Once were good,we opened the other door as we opened fired at some hostiles.Exploding infecteds kept coming so i always focused my LMG at it.After a couple of minutes,we proceeded in the crash site seeing that the Helicopter is badly damaged and destroyed already.I found Jager sitting at the floor with his leg bleeding"What took you so long?i've been shooting here and running from ammo.I forgot my Rifle with the ACOG at it."he said as helped him against a wall.I suddenly heard screeches from afar"Set the fortifications and traps!!"i shouted as we do.After a couple of minutes,here they come.I positioned beside Jager to protect him.There are really tons of them in here that's why i was forced to throw all my Armageddon grenades at every hordes.After a couole of shootouts,another big one arrived.I reloaded my gun as i shooted at it.It always targets me that pisses me off.I shoot at it's weak point as it dies.Foxtrot arrived as i helped Jager get up and board the Helicopter.
"Well,you guys looks messed up badly"Foxtrot said we chuckled a bit.
"Well,we deserve a long sleep"i said as we laughed.Well,i mean it...

                   To be continued...

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