Lincoln Weighner/Wraith's Bio

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Name:Lincoln Weighner
Date of Birth:March 6,1986
Place of Birth:Berlin,Germany
Father:George Weighner(Deceased)
Mother:Frau E. Weighner(Deceased)
Weapon and Loadouts:Glock 45 Pistol,M4 Carbine,CQB Shotgun,PP19 Bizon SMG,Negev NG5 LMG,and L96 Sniper Rifle
Gadgets:Mines similar to Ela's Grizmot mines.It can be stick at the wall,but difference is it has a motion sensor that will alert Wraith and laser sights that when touched by an enemy,the mine will Explode.Frag grenades capable of exploding more powerful than a C4.(Gadgets are made by GSG9 Engineers and enhanced by Rainbow Engineers)
Skills and abilities:Sharp Sights,Impressive Reflexes,Quick Reaction time,Strong hearing and smelling,Mentally and Physically fit,Cardiovascular and Muscular Endurance,and Impressive,Wise,and Tactical Thinking
Confirmed kills:750
Notes:He was born in Berlin,Germany at the year of 1987.Like other kids,Lincoln was a joyful kid and has a lot of friends.His grades are always the highest from Pre-school until College.He graduated in the course of Criminology and become part of Berlin Police Department.He had a good yet simple life until white masks attacked Berlin using chemical bombs.It killed his Parents.During the siege in Berlin,he fought White Masks using only his Police Issue Pistol and a combat knife beacause the Police Station that time was already burned.He contined fighting until the White Masks retreated beacause of German Air Strikes.After the rehabilitation of Berlin,Lincoln was awarded by multiple medal for his bravery.He was promoted and joined the GSG9 for a couple of years.He also worked with what we now know as"Blitz,IQ,Jager,and Bandit"in some recon missions throughout Germany,but soon those Four leaved for higher promotions which means joining Team Rainbow.
He was still a Joyful person,but by killing Terrorists and other Enemys.
He is Vocal and Happy,but Brutal and Deadly.
Uniform and Loadouts:

Uniform and Loadouts:

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