Chapter 46

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Diablo's POV
I was sitting in the floor while leaning against the oppositw wall.I was clutching my chest because it was hit by the shield when i was flying in mid-air.I coughd a little bit of blood as i slowly stood up grabbing my shield and weapon from the floor."Diablo!Are you ok?"Mira asked through the comms"Yes,just got blasted from an explosion and hit the opposite wall.What's your status?"i asked back"We are pinned down in the 5th floor.There is a White Mask Juggernaut who had a mounted turret in the middle of the hallway we should go in."she responded"Ok,wait for me there and buy me some time until i get there"i said"Ok,Mira out"she said as the comms went silent.I have to save them,again.I went clearing room by room in the 2nd floor dropping some White Masks.Then,i mobalized to the 3rd floor seeing that it was flooded by a lot of White Masks mobalizing to the 5th floor.I quickly shoot them down and reloaded my LMG.A few bullets hit my shield,but it didin't stop me to shoot the shooters.Then,i proceed to the 4th floor which is not that crowded by hostiles but the roamers in the hallway had deployable shields mounted.Then,the terrorists found out that i was here so they use the shields for cover and opened fired at me.I mounted my shield in the floor and continued firing.I dropped the magazine and slid the final mag.I cocked my LMG and slid it out from the gun slot of my shield.I closed the gun slot and kneeled down in the floor.I grabbed a flashbang and pulled it's pin as i threw it to the enemies.It blinded me a bit but it didin't stop me to break from cover and shoot the hostiles without looking through the iron sight.I checked the rooms and gladly,i killed all of them in the hallway.I finally proceed to the 5th floor where i saw the Juggernaut firing an M2 Browning at the end of the hallway.Then i saw Mira's Black mirror installed in a wall so she can peek safely.I can see that in their situation,they can't fire at the Juggernaut because the enemy was firing at them.I quickly come up with an idea.I popped a smoke grenade and threw across the hallway.Then,i dropped my shield quietly and pulled out my combat knife.I cautiously approach the Juggernaut and yanked it's helmet.When i saw it's neck,i grabbed my sidearm amd emptied my mag on it's head killing the Juggernaut completely"Mira,Jackal,Juggernaut's down.Fortify the building and wait for the White Masks"i said as they came out behind a wall in the end of the hallway"Thank you"Mira said as i bowed my head a bit and grabbed the M2 Browning and my shield"Jackal,guard the 1st floor and the staircase to the 2nd floor.Mira,guard the 3rd floor and the staircase to the 4th floor.Roam the hallways quickly and shoot down every White Masks that will go inside in case if we've been breached.I will position to the 5th floor and Rooftop."i said as they nodded and went to their prespective positions.I went to the 5th floor,reinforced the walls and applied barricade on the windows.Then,i went to the rooftop and mounted the Machine Gun on the ground facing the North side of the Hotel.Good thing i can rotate the MG to the sides and tilt it so i can open fire at the incoming hostiles and shoot down helicopters.And gladly,i found another ammunition box for the machine gun.I cocked the machine gun and placed it's barrel to the gun slot.Now,the waiting game...
Timeskip brought to you by Bandit stealing drugs from the infirmary.
After a few minutes, 5 armored trucks pulled over in the front of the hotel"Don't do anything stupid"i said through the comms as i pointed the turret to the White Masks slowly"Amigo!This is Hernandez,open up"a White Mask who seems to be a Leutenant were in the middle and said those words."Hernandez is Dead!!Adios Motherfuckers!"i shouted as i opened fire at them"Mira and Jackal,fuego!"i said through the comms as i heard gunfire erupting from the lower levels.A few White Mask was flanking to the sides and trying to rappel but i quickly drop them before they could even touch the wall"Jackal,shoot down flankers to the east and west.Mira watch the windows,these White Mask Puta are pissed off"i said as i cocked the machine gun and continued shooting at the terrorist.Some of them are crawling to death but i didin't stop shooting at them and shooted the truck's engines until it exploded.Too bad,these White Masks might have the firepower,but they are idiots when it comes to foritfying.After a couple of minutes,we successfully ambushed the White Masks in the armored trucks.I tapped my comms"Six,this is Diablo,miss-"i was cutted by a Tank coming in from the North"Oh!Come on!"i shouted as the Tank fired straight to the Hotel.My ground shakes as more White Masks arrived.I quickly shoot them down until i ran out of ammo.Then,an attack helicopter arrived so i loaded the Machine Gun the
rounds and cocked it as i shoot down the Helicopter.More attack Helicopters arrived as i opened fire at them.I cocked the Machine Gun amd continued firing at them until all the Helicopters are down.The MG went empty so i took it off from my shield and slung it in my back as i grabbed my LMG.I started going downstairs as more bullets fly through the windows whose barricades are all shredded.Then,i tank missile flew right in front of me hitting the right room in the hallway im in but it didin't stop me from running towards the first floor.I was in the 4th floor when an explosiom erupted from the 3rd floor hallway beneath me making me fly across the ceiling and hit the wall at the end of the hallway once again.This time,it really hurts making me lost my conciousness completely now.

                   To be continued...

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