Chapter 2

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Third Persons POV

As they arrived at Maleficent's castle she bestowed a quest upon the 4 worthy knights situated in front of her. "You will go, you will find Fairy Godmother's wand and bring it to me. Easy Peasy." She said and winked at us. Ha if the little fairy thinks she'll be getting anything from me then she's in for a rude awakening.

"What's in it for us?" Questioned Mal, situating herself on a bookshelf that gives her access to the whole room by view Scarlette spoke, "I was just about to ask the same thing." She was lying in quite the lazy position, something very similar to what the black panther, Bagheera does when he sleeps. He's a distant relative though of course.

"Matching thrones, hers and hers crowns" answered Maleficent with a cheeky grin. "I think she meant us..." Carlos said with a circular motion including all 5 of them.

Scarlette rolled her eyes in annoyance as Maleficent began to have a 'heart to heart' moment with Mal. Sending out an angry warning growl that softly shook the floors of the room, everyone sent a fearful look at the angry lioness as she descended from the book shelf.

Standing up right she stood in front of Maleficent and glowered at her, "if you don't give me a good enough reason to do this mission, Maleficent then I will tear your head off right here right now. You have wasted enough of my time" she said, ending her sentence with a feral growl. Mind you she was still in her lion form.

"Don't speak to Maleficent like that!" She turned around only to see that it was Cruella to speak to her. She stalked towards the crazy dog lady, taking in the pleasures of seeing the woman tremble in fear as she realised she spoke out of turn to an angry lion.

"What are you going to do about it Cruella? Try and stuff me?" She asked, as Cruella softly shook her head as a no making Scarlette let out a small chuckle and send a playful snap making the woman jump in fear.

"You'll see Kiara there, possibly Simba and Nala too at the family day" as Maleficent spoke Scarlette grew rigid before a wide smile took over her face. Much similar to the smile of the Cheshire Cat, it didn't look very pretty on a lion.

"Alright, I'm in, but only to see Kiara and her dreadful parents" Scarlette spoke, the whole interaction was confusing the other 4 VK's but they knew it wasn't there place to ask about the past of the person they feared the most but of course they wouldn't ever admit it. They're just too prideful at that.

"Evie! You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and-" is what Evil Queen began to say as she called Evie over. "Lots and lots of mirrors!!" Finished Evie with a giggle and wishful sighing. "No laughing! Wrinkles!" Immediately Evie stopped laughing.

"You're not taking my Carlos because I'd miss him too much" said Cruella as she stroked Carlos's hair. He looked at her with a hopeful look and said, "really mom?" He Questioned, "Yes! Who would touch up my roots? Fluff my fur and scrape the bunions off my feet?" She finished her sentence as she flung her leg up for Carlos to catch.

"Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing..." he said with a disappointed facial expression and dejected tone of voice as he dropped her leg back onto the floor.

"Oh come now Carlos...they have dogs in Auradon" she said as she stroked his chin. He slung around with a scared face and said, "oh no I'm not going".

Scarlette knew Carlos was manipulated constantly and treated like a slave by his own mother and for that she held sympathy for him.

She also maybe has a small crush on the boy, the way he acts is always just really adorable for her when she watches the Core 4 around the Isle. She is not allowed to love though, she's too much of a blood thirsty killer, he would never go for a girl like her.

Shaking the sad thoughts out of her head she continued to listen in on the conversations. "Well Jay isn't going either, I need him to stock the shelves in my store" said Jafar before he told Jay to fork over the things he nicked from around the isle.

"Well Evie isn't going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow..." Scarlette scoffed softly at that, the girl's facial features was virtually perfect. Much better than her own long raven black hair, glowing green eyes, pale skin and lanky figure.

"What is wrong with you all?! People used to cower in fear at the mention of our names! For 20 years I have searched for a way off this island for 20 years they've robbed us from our revenge! Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!"

"Ooh!" Angrily snapped Evil Queen.

"Revenge on Aladdin and his floating Genie" she said, "I WILL-" Jafar held up his spoon as Jay held him back.

"Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that escaped YOUR clutches" she spoke to Cruella. "Oh but-they didn't-THEY DIDN'T GET THE BABY HAHAHA" She cackled like a lunatic making Scarlette stars at her in disgust and throw a book at her face which hit her square in the face.

Carlos stifled his laughter and sent Scarlette a smirk as she nodded her head at him. "And I, Maleficent, the evilest of them all, I finally get my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince" she said ending the sentence with a childish tone of voice.

"VILLAINS! Our day has come, EQ give her the magic mirror" she said as she got up off the desk she was sitting at. "UGH WAKE ME UP WHEN YOU ALL SORT OUT YOUR FUCKING SHIT AND THE CAR IS HERE TO TAKE US TO AURADON" growled Scarlette before she fell asleep on the bookshelf.

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