Chapter 9

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Scarlette's POV

"What are you wearing?" He asked, and I was kinda surprised because his voice was like 2 octaves deeper than normal and it was sexy as fuckkkk. "What do you mean? I'm wearing clothes?" I said, I was kinda confused because I'm clearly wearing clothes.

"No why are you wearing those clothes? Are you wearing them for someone? Because the whole population of boys in this school are all staring at you right now" he said with anger in his voice....he's never been angry with me. "Carlos are you jealous?" I asked with a smirk, his expression grew darker before he said something that surprised the fuck outta me.

"Yes" Confidence was all I could sense in his choice of words as butterflies made a tornado inside my stomach. 'This is it Scarlette, this is your chance to confess your feelings to the boy you love and he's standing right in front of you!!' "Well Carlos, remember how I told you I wanted to tell you something?" I asked and he just nodded.

"Well that's because I wanted to tell you that I'm wearing these clothes for a specific someone, and I've loved that person for such a long time, and I want to ask him to be my boyfriend, so Carlos..." I started by saying and seeing his heartbroken face clenched my stomach.

"Yes?.." he whispered in the most heartbroken voice that pained me so much. "I need your help, I need you to say yes..." I said and looked at him with hopeful eyes. He was confused for a second before a smile slowly broke out onto his face.

"Is this what I think it is?..." he whispered and stepped closer to me, "Yes it is, I need you to say yes to being my boyfriend Carlos De Vil" I said, he eased up and grabbed me by my waist and twirled me around whilst screaming 'Yes!' Making me laugh and giggle.

"Well how bout that, I finally get to call you my boyfriend" I said with a smile and gazed into his eyes after putting me down. "And I can't believe I get to call you my girlfriend, I love you so much Scarlette" he said as he brought me even closer to him.

"And I love you my perfect little villain" I said and leaned up to kiss him, the minute our lips connected it was fire in my stomach and fireworks in my lips. We moved our lips together for a while before we broke the kiss and rested our foreheads against each other whilst we each whispered the words 'finally' before laughing and going to meet our friends at the game.

Well I went to meet everyone by the Tourney field whilst my boyfriend went to change into his team uniform. God it feels so good to call that boy my boyfriend, I've waited so long for this day and it finally happened. If I ever have kids with him then I'm gonna make sure that they know their mommy made the first move.


"This is a nail biter folks, there's 47 seconds left for-" Said the commentator but the rest of his sentence was cut off by a girl screaming in my ear. Yes, I am sitting on the bleachers and no I'm not a cheerleader if that's what you thought I was going to be.

I'm sitting in between Evie and Mal with Lonnie on the right of Mal and some random chick to the left of Evie. I looked out to the bench next to coach and grinned when I saw Carlos and Jay. I sent a flying kiss and laughed when he dramatically caught it and placed it in his lips.

"Get 'em Chad!" Jay encouraged, Yes! He's finally learning that he needs to work with people in order to be able to succeed. "Thanks Jay!" He said and ran into the field. "You're up!" Coach said with a giddy smile directed to Jay. "Coach, how about my buddy here?" Jay said and brought Carlos to his side making me sit straighter.

"Um no" Carlos said and sat down making me bite my lip, 'come on babe! You can do this!' "I don't think so" the coach said making me growl.

"He's been practicing! And you said it yourself the team is made up of a bunch of parts and well....he's kinda like my brain" Jay said as he ruffled my boyfriends hair. Jay's actually pretty good at convincing. Meanwhile my boyfriend is a nervous wreck whilst trying to convince Jay he doesn't need to play.

I grinned and shouted a 'YES!' when coach pulled another player off the field. "You heard him, you're up" he said and threw one of the club...stick thingys to Carlos. "I got your back" Jay said and looked at Carlos, my boyfriend being the Nervous guy he is said " about my front?.." making Jay laugh and shove him onto the field. "Get out there".

I sat forward a little bit more, I trained Carlos with Ben, yes but he hasn't played since practice runs and I hope that he doesn't break anything valuable. "They're bringing out the hot head Jay from the isle and Carlos the guy who can barely hold a shield!" I growled at the commentator before turning back to the game.

As the game began I cheered as Jay sprinted forward and hit the ball back towards the team, Chad tripped an opposing playing and Carlos made a big block before doing a cute little jig in his face. That's my boy.

"Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben from the kill zone" I grinned as Jay dodged the obstacles and sent the ball to Ben. I bit my nails as Chad made a big block, Ben passed the ball to Jay, he shot it but it got blocked by the goalie. Fuck and they were doing so good too!

"23 seconds left, you could cut the tension with a sword" announces the commentator. I stood up and began to mumble "come one guys, hustle up you can do this". Carlos went down at an attempted block, but Jay helped him up and kept running through the kill zone.

I giggled as Jay began to use Carlos as a shield with...Carlos's shield I guess and were both doing pretty good. Jay got the ball and passed to Carlos, he hit the ball up and Jay jumped over him. Jay passed the ball to Ben and both Jay and Carlos protected Ben from behind and...HE SCORED FUCK YES!!!


"What! Is it wrong to cheer for my boyfriends team?" I asked before I realised what I just said.


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