Part 11

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It was like being in a whirlwind, Martin decided. The buzz of activity in a hive of chaos rushing around him in circles. It was almost deafening. Barely days after being told he and Stein were going to stay with the Gillians until further notice, they were moving house. All of them, Gillians and all. And Martin was feeling like a fish out of water. Sarah was the General in chief here and the Alpha was following the orders without complaint. It felt like there were ten times the amount of people and Martin felt almost dizzy. He leant against the car and gripped hard to his suitcase like a shield.

Dominic appeared by his side and quickly took his suitcase from him, ruffling his hair again. Everyone kept doing it and Martin had to hold back from slapping his hand of him. "Martin, you'll stay with Nick again, alright," the man commented before grabbing another bag and disappearing into the house. 

"Sure, I guess," Martin said numbly, feeling lost now the suitcase had been taken from him. 

"Hey!" Nick said loudly, appearing out of nowhere looking lively and upbeat. It made Martin's stomach roll. Nick was so happy and warm and it made Martin feel worse than he already did. "I'm not that bad," he teased punched Martin on the shoulder.

Martin gripped it as pain flared from his shoulder, blushing and shied away. He wasn't used to people treating him like that anymore. He got it. It wasn't done to be mean or particularly cruel. He'd seen the brothers do it to each other. Heck, he'd seen Stein do it to Urick. He had vague memories of his classmates doing it to each other too. It was normal teenage boy behaviour and yet at that moment, he felt off. Still, he smiled at Nick to hide his discomfort and shrugged. "No, I guess," he said neutrally. 

Nick beamed back at him and leaned in close, Martin tried not to lean away in fear as the man pushed into his personal space, humming. He had to learn how to stand his ground. His big deep blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight and suddenly Nick grinned wide, making Martin's heartbeat fast for a moment and then he was gone, picking up some of the boxes from next to Martin.  

"I'm sure we'll get on great," Nick said happily, giving Martin a wink. This time Martin did blush and he turned to quickly grab a box of his own before Nick could see. From the roar of laughter that followed, Martin knew he had failed. He glared over his shoulder, feeling the blush move through him down his neck. Nick only moved closer and gestured with his free hand, balancing the box he was holding on his hip. 

"Come on," Nick ordered, "Load me up."

"I can take this one," Martin muttered, clutching onto the cardboard box tightly. "It's okay... I don't need your help," he promised, taking a step away from the boy before Nick could grab it from him with his other hand. 

"Come on now," Nick chuckled, shifting and making his muscles ripple. "It's my stuff, I'll carry it. Has Ma had the chance to buy you some things yet?" Nick asked, giving Martin a cheeky grin. The one Martin was fast realising Nick used to try to get people to do things for him.  

"It's fine," Martin said, butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he was reminded he had barely anything. Certainly nothing of his own. Just the hand-me-downs from people he had never met, given out of pity.  "I was given a lot already," Martin reassured, not wanting to sound like he was being greedy, while deeply wishing and hoping that he got the chance to do so soon. Sounded like he might do. 

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