The Calm Before The Storm III

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Walking down the hall with both Alice and Sasha in tow, Leon ventured into the most desolate part of the manor. 

"Master Leon, which part of the manor is this? Non of the maids nor any of butlers have entered this area?" Alice asked. 

Heaving a silent sigh, Leon answered, "This place was my mother's private study, before her death for some odd reason she requested that no one besides me, my father, and Rudeus can enter here. Though I haven't been inside here in a long time, I remember there being a book written in a language similar if not the same to the one that you described Rudeus to be speaking." Hearing Leon's explanation, Sasha who wished to know the name of the item, asked: "Master Leon, if possible can you give us a translation of what our father said." 

 Taking a small glance towards both Alice and Sasha, Leon wasn't surprised to see their expressions filled with curiosity. "The name of the item he spoke of was "The Ring of Radiant Light," Leon said. "I wonder how it's related to your mother..." Sasha muttered curiously. 

As silence had yet again loomed over the three they finally arrived at Noel's Study. "Now where is the book..." Leon muttered. Taking a quick glance at the room he realized that it was too dark to make sense of anything. 

"Torch," Snapping his fingers multiple balls of light had appeared around the three. 

"Master Leon, though I know you already know how to use magic, how did you use magic without an incantation?" Sasha asked. 

"Every spell I use is self-made using theories regarding how the world works as a basis. Due to this, I can make simple spells like these just by creating a small disturbance in the surrounding area with a simple snap whenever I want. Though the only issue with this being the effectiveness of every use being different due to it lacking a keyword or incantation." Leon said as he began searching for the book. 

As the three of them rummaged throughout the study, Leon felt something off. "The mana in the southern area is a little off..." He thought. Heading towards the disturbance he was surprised to find that a barrier was blocking him from entering this part of the study. 

"Alice, Sasha, I think I've found something," Leon said calling them over. 

"Did you find the book?" Sasha asked. 

"No, but I've found something that could possibly lead us to it," Leon said. Placing his hand on the barrier channeled the mana throughout his body into the barrier before making it disappear. 

"What's going on?" Alice asked slightly confused. 

The area the barrier was protecting was blocked with the illusion of a wall. With it gone the illusion had now been replaced with a dark pathway leading to some sort of room. 

"Something's off with this room..." Leon thought aloud. The sheer density of the mana would intoxicate most or leave them utterly unconscious. 

"What's wrong?" Noticing the shocked expression on Leon's face, Sasha felt slightly troubled. 

"N-nothing, I suggest you two stay here, the density of the mana here is more than capable of killing the both of you considering you two have no experience with magic," Leon said. 

As they both backed away. Alice asked, "Are you planning on going down there by yourself?" Considering how dangerous he described it for the two, why would decide to go?

"Yes, my body has somewhat good resistance to Raw Mana so I should be fine for around twenty minutes. So don't worry, I'll be out in a relatively fast period of time." Leon said.

"Understood, just please be careful Master Leon," Alice said. 

Only nodding in response he made his way down the hidden corridor.

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