Prologue: A Birthday Disaster

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The clock struck Midnight to signal my 6th birthday. My mother came out with an cupcake in her hand as my father stuck a candle inside and lit it up.

As they sang happy birthday, I felt a sudden chill in the air. I assumed it was just the open window and I closed my eyes and made my wish.

As I blow out the candles and open my eyes, I saw myself surrounded by a pool of blood even though I remained unharmed. I stand up, turn around, and see my beloved parents...dead at my feet. I lose control of my emotions and my eyes turn red, Kitana, my 20-tailed companion, ready to attack. Before I could, one of my parents' murderers knocked me out cold.

As my eyes closed, I could only think of what's in store for me. What happens next...well...let's just say...I will never be the same little girl again afterwards.

One of them picked me up in their arms and used a sleeping spell to keep me asleep for as long as possible. The other looked at our childhood home and smirked since it was the last time anyone was going to see it. Using fire style, she set the house ablaze...with my parents' dead corpses still inside where we left them.

A few hours later...when I finally woke up...that's when everything changed...

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