Chapter 5: Nightmare

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Once my adoption was made official, I was taken to a new home far away from my stepsister. I had to be cleared from the hospital first and then I was taken home. I couldn't express how happy I was with the fact that I don't have to live with my stepsister anymore.

Once the paperwork was signed, I slowly got out of bed to make sure my wounds didn't reopen. Minato supported me then lifted me in his arms to take me home. Once we got home it was already late.

"You're gonna like the room, " Raven said leading me to the bedroom, "I know this will keep you safe."

I saw the room was very big and had 2 beds for both of us. I already felt tired and I was already falling asleep losing my balance.

"Gotcha sis," Raven caught me to support me. "You could really use the rest."

After I took a bath and got into some warm pajamas Minato bought me, I slowly crawled into bed on my side of the room. However, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, and slowly fell into slumber.


I was unable to sleep that night. In fact, I was scared the moment I fell asleep.

The fire replayed in my head. I could still hear the sound of the wood cracking under the flames. I heard my parents screaming for me to run, but Autumn grabbed me first. I screamed their names, trying to reach them, trying to get back to them...but they burned to ashes...along with the rest of the house in that fire...


I woke up screaming, accidentally waking up Minato and Raven.

"Angel are you OK?" Angel was my nickname Minato gave me ever since I got adopted. I couldn't answer because I was shaking.

Raven hugs me gently to keep me calm and keep myself from shaking. I close my eyes and lay on my new sister's shoulder to keep calm.

"T-Thanks for being there for me guys...I really appreciate it..."

Minato smiles. "You're welcome, my little angel."

"I-I have to start school soon, don't I?"

"Wait until you're recovered first."


I lay back down and close my eyes and before I knew it I fell asleep.

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