Chapter 7: My First Day

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Morning arrived and that only meant one thing: My first day at the Academy. Thankfully my bruises healed just enough so none of the kids or teachers would see that I was abused in the past. That was one less thing I had to worry about. Also since Dad is the Hokage he was going to be busy for a while but I didn't really mind. I was used to being alone without parents anyway.

At least he was going to be there to drop me off at the Academy. I'm happy he was going to be there for my first day of school. Naturally I'm scared since I was closed from the outside world whole life. I don't really know what to expect or where to go from here. But the best thing I could do at the moment was look at this head on and give it everything I got.

Once we got to the gate, I looked at the school from one side to the other. *Wow,* I thought to myself as I admired the school, *This is so much bigger than I imagined it would be.*

I turned to look at Dad who was standing right beside me. "Are you sure I can do this? I don't know what to expect."

He smiles at me. "I know you'll do great my little angel."

I smile back feeling confident that I'll do good on my first day. My sister Raven already made Chunin by the time I started. She was way ahead of me by a lot and my brother Akaru was in the Anbu Black ops too.

*Looks like I have a lot of work to do if I'm going to catch up with my siblings.* I thought to myself, then I hug my dad. "Be careful today, ok Dad?"

Minato smiles and nods as he hugs me back. "Have a great day my little angel. I'll pick you up after."

"Ok Dad I'll be careful." I run inside the Academy but I immediately hesitate the moment I went inside.

"Ah you must be Summera." I see my teacher approach me. "I'm Iruka your teacher. You're going to be starting in my class as of today."

"O-ok." I start going into his classroom a little nervous about what to expect. "I guess I can give it a try."

I slowly go inside and I stand in front of the class. I could already hear students whispering about me.

*I bet it's my eyes. That's why everyone is staring at me.*

"Now why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?"

"I'm Summera...and..." The next few words I did not expect to say. "I'm gonna be Hokage someday!" I cover my mouth embarrassed.

All the kids just start laughing at me like it was a joke.

"You? Hokage?" They said pointing at me. "Yeah right! No way!"

*Maybe I hang around my sister way too much since I was adopted.* I thought to myself.

The next thing a little boy said changed everything. "Yeah. You think they'll ever make the 20 tails Hokage?!"

I was immediately confused. "20 tails?"

"Wow she doesn't even know."

"She doesn't realize she's one of those freaks." A girl added on.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're a Jinchuriki!" The boy said.

"Yeah! You're just like the 9 tails jinchuriki!" The girl added and all the kids agreed.

"No..." I'm shaking. "You're lying! That's not true!!!"

I hear another voice booming. "YOU'RE ALL IN TROUBLE!!!!"

"Uh oh..." I recognized that voice anywhere. It was my older brother Akaru, and I hide under my desk.

Akaru looks at Iruka. "Can you take my little sister outside in the hallway please? I wish to talk to these students alone."

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