chapter five: you

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Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

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We played and messed around in the grass. Anthony and I rolled in it, picked at it, and just rubbed the grass. Something I never done and it was fun. He showed me around the courtyard. Occasionally, a bird would land and pirch on his finger and he would introduce them to me. He would name them out of his own ass and call them "Alfred" or "Nerdy Birdy." He would even pretend to fight birds telling them that they aren't as thick as him.

Anthony is just a funny and chill person. I like that about him. He would always pick flowers from the ground and give them to me. I would squeeze the stem of the flower and just play with the petals. Then, he grabbed my waist again and walked me to the fountain. I cupped the water in my hands and stared at the shininess of the water.

Anthony noticed and smirked a little bit in mischief. I raised my eyebrow and before I could say anything, he splashed me. I huffed and started splashing at him. We started an all out splash war and by the end of it, I'm pretty sure I won. We died of laughter afterwards and laid back on the green grass. He was right next to me, just staring at the sky turning a pink color.

He looked at me, a faint blush on his face. Then, he stood up and picked me up bridal style once again.

"Come on, Princess, it's getting late," He teased, walking back towards my room.

I didn't want to go back. I tasted freedom, but somehow I can't hold onto it. He took me inside my room and placed me on my bed in my bubble. I took off my quarantine suit revealing my patient dress and sat on my bed.

"Goodnight, Princess," Anthony said, ruffling my hair.

He left my bubble, took off his suit, and left the room. Again, left in my room just to stare at the ceiling. Today was a good day. I closed my eyes and dreamed of freedom.

The next day, I woke up to the regular routine

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The next day, I woke up to the regular routine. Same thing as every boring day. Wake up, wait for Mr. Johnson to give me my food, but there was one thing different. Today, I ate the food. I ate the disgusting soup with crushed up medicine in it. Do you know why?

I found a reason to live. A family and a few friends are supporting me and helping me. Something I wanted for awhile and I will cherish it forever. I picked up a little notecard I didn't notice until now.

" Hey, so uhm, I have football practice today and I won't be able to come to you. I know, the sadness of not seeing my beautiful face- Anyways, I'll see you later , Princess. -Anthony"

The notecard was written very quickly and it seemed like he wrote it just this morning, so I guess he visited before I even woke up.

I guess this will be a boring, plain day. I know for a fact Lily isn't going to stop by since today is the day she's off. Man, I really have nowhere to be and nothing to do.

Maybe Luke is in the building? The door opened with a small creaking sound.

Ah, speak of the devil-

"Hello?" Luke's annoying voice called out.

Before I could even respond, he opened the door to my bubble and looked at me. No expression still on his face. Though, somehow I caught of glimpse of something I know I wasn't supposed to see. That was happiness.

Luke stretched his arms out and put his hands on his hips. He had this bored look on his face as he glared down at me with his eyes.

"So how was life without me?" He asked, smirking a little bit.

I stood up, sat on my bed, and just shrugged. Luke rolled his eyes and suddenly pulled up a brown bag with a paper stapled on it.

"I guess I'll have all of the (favorite food) to myself," Luke teased, but still with no tone in his voice.

I huffed a little bit with a smile.

"Fine, Fine, it was torturee," I pretending, adding a sad sigh at the end.

I saw a slight smile play on his lips, but it wasn't that visible sadly. I stood up, trying to walk to him, but I couldn't. My legs gave out. Before I could hit the floor, he caught me.

He caught me.

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