Chapter 3 - A Kiss And A Knock

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The terrifying scream lasted for a short while, and then stopped as quickly as it had started. Sweeney was in a state of shock, but had luckily fled the scene. He thought everything would be fine, and that any passers-by would put it down to a dreadful accident.

To be on the safe side, however, he hid in the trunk, as had happened a few times before. It was horrible inside; it reeked of death, stale blood and just a stench of must and old. It had been up there at least 30 years. As Sweeney wasn’t too tall, he could fit in, just a bit curled up. Still, it wasn’t exactly comfortable in there.

Nevertheless, he stayed hunched up for a while, but wished he could come out as his back was starting to ache. The barber shop was quite clearly empty.He started to lift the lid but heard a sudden tapping…footsteps!

Shit’ he muttered to himself. Where were the life ending razors when you needed them?! One more thing to worry about. The feet were stood by the trunk.

Shit’ he repeated.’Ahhh choo!’ he couldn’t have held in the almighty sneeze in any longer and panic ensued; whoever was up there would know he was hiding in the trunk! Should he get out, or hope to God the person would go away?

More footsteps. They were terrifyingly close to the trunk now, so close he could hear their breathing, like a predator’s before they pounce on an unsuspecting and innocent prey. Only Sweeney wasn’t quite so innocent, and perhaps he was the predator rather than the prey.

He closed his eyes, and prepared himself, taking one last breath before the incoming downfall of the demon barber.

Hold on. He caught a whiff of the ‘attacker’. Gillyflowers. He still wasn’t sure, so to be on the safe side he didn’t do anything, just remained eerily still in the festering trunk.Ew, he thought, there’s mould on the top. He investigated the trunk further, as there wasn’t anything else to do, and screeched suddenly. Not an almighty screech like the one a few minutes earlier, but a screech all the same.

He had jumped out of the trunk and was literally in Nellie’s arms, panting with fear. ‘There was…a rat ‘He gasped, his eyes wide.

‘Oh dear. Are you, Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street, scared of a rat? Dearie me, honestly, love' Nellie began to stroke his hair like he was a baby and put him down onto the cracked, ancient wooden floor. She sat in front of him, cross legged and chuckled. ’A man of your age too! Anyway, I saw the mess down there’ she continued, regarding Jeremy’s corpse,her eyes scolding him like a mother would to her child. ‘nasty way to go,eh? Accident or..?Another Pirelli? And anyway, who did that scream? Wasn’t you seeing another rat, was it?’ she laughed out loud at her own joke, and Sweeney managed a small smile.

‘Said he wanted business that Norrington, didn’t he? Saw him coming a mile off, I did, anyway, there was something else I needed to tell you about that. We better dispose of the body too. Mm; will make plenty of pies that one! Eh, what’s the matter love?‘

She glanced at Sweeney. It was no rarity for him not to reply as she burbled on, she was used to that.It was expected despite the sudden personality change.But,he was crying, big fat salty tears, that dribbled down his cheeks, and he couldn’t stop them. He was shuddering and his eyes were brimming with fresh tears every time one dropped.

Nellie, shocked, rested her hands on his shoulders, and took him into a warm embrace. ‘That’s it darling, no more crying, eh? What’s the matter sweetheart?‘ It was still as if she was talking to a  small child.’

Nellie prepared herself to speak, but was interrupted by Sweeney standing up and carefully kissing her. She seemed so fragile under her tough exterior. 

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