Royal Tutor Heine

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~Kailua's POV~

I sit on a small desk that holds a vase of flowers but is strong enough to support me in one of the grand guest rooms with my twin brother and three younger brothers. Kai stands on my right with Licht sitting next to me on my left, Bruno stands next Licht and Leonhard stands on the right of Bruno. "When will that tutor be here? I'm so bored!" Licht whines as he leans back and falls into my lap. I smile down at my brother and genteelly brush his long hair with my fingers, "I don't know Licht but I hope it's not soon.....or today........or ever....." I say in my usual soft tone and start to trail off into my thoughts. "ssy.....issy......SISSY!" Licht yells and he snaps his fingers in front of my hands giving my a fright!

"A-ah!" I cry out and flinch back away from his hand and quickly look around in panic. "Licht! You know not to do that to Lua-nee when she's in thought! You genteelly shake her as you call her name and wait for her to snap out of her thoughts!" Bruno scolds Licht who pouts and hides his face in my stomach as he hugs my waist. "Licht are you listening?" Bruno asks sharply as he taps his foot. "Come now Bruno it's okay, I'm fine now" I tell my first younger brother with a small smile. Bruno sighs and gives up on scolding Licht then turns away from us. "You need to stop spoiling these two Lua-nee, they'll never learn at this rate!" Bruno says and turns his scolding to me making me give a small and slightly awkward laugh.

"Hey leave Nee-sama alone Bruno! And don't act like you don't enjoy it when she spoils you too! You aren't her favorite you know" Leonhard decides to speak up. "Oh? And you think you are?" Bruno questions coldly and Leonhard puffs up his chest as his noise seems to grow in a comical way. "Of course I am! Who else could it be?" He boast with his thumb pointed towards his chest with his other hand on his hip. "That is where you're wrong dear brother, of course the favorite is me! Isn't that right Sissy?" Licht says then turns to me with an adorable and childish face making my cheeks becomes a dusted pink. 'Ka-kawaii~' I think as I pinch Licht's right cheek with a joyful expression.

"S-Sissy please, can you stop pinching my cheeks? I'm not a young child anymore" Licht pleads with me. "Y-you don't want me to pinch your cheeks anymore? D-do y-you not love me anymore?" I ask Licht with fake tears welling up in my eyes, 'I will pinch those cheeks!' I think in determination as my eyes well up with false tears. "K-Kai!" I cry out and jump towards my twin as everything goes to chibi form. Kai catches me flawlessly and holds me, "Kai! Licht doesn't love me anymore! He won't let me pinch his cheeks!" I cry to my twin in chibi form as anime tears fall down my eyes in the form of a waterfall.

"There, there" Kai says and pats my head with his fingerless chibi hand. "Look what you've done now Licht! You made Nee-sama cry! Apologize!" Leonhard yells at our youngest brother and holds up a chibi fist. "I agree, how could you make our older sister cry like that. Apologize right this instant!" Bruno joins in on scolding Licht. "Fluff.....fluff" Kai says as he pets my head with a joyful expression, still in his chibi form. My "tears" have stopped by now.

"F-fine! I'm sorry Sissy. You can pinch my cheeks" Licht tells me with a dejected tone as everything goes from chibi form to normal and I instantly "cheer up". "Yata!(I did it!)" I cheer and pinch Licht's cheeks once again. Our small group continues to talk and bicker(Licht, Bruno and Leonhard)with each other in a light hearted way over petty things as Kai continues to pet my head or rather my hair from behind. "Shh, do you hear that?" Bruno suddenly says and everybody gets drop dead quiet. "Take your time with them, be careful especially with my dear Kailua and be careful" Grandmother's voice says from the other side of the door and I feel my heart drop into my stomach as it speeds up at the same time.

I grab the hand of my nearest brother which happens to be Kai and grip it tightly as I try to control my breath that's quickly becoming uneven. "Kailua, calm down" Kai tells me softly, "yeah! We'll protect you, if that stupid royal tutor tries to do anything we'll stop him!" Leonhard tells me. "Yeah! Jus relax and let us handle things, you don't have to say a word, just sit there and look pretty like you always do" Licht tells me with a cheerful tone as he grabs my other hand and gives it a squeeze then lets go. "I must agree, you don't have to worry Lua-nee. With us around it's impossible for him to even get within three feet of you" Bruno tells me with a calm and calculating tone as he pushes up his glasses making the sunlight reflect off of them, basically pulling a Kyoya from OHSHC.

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