Kailua Von Granzreich

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Kairua Fon Gurantsuraihi

General Information

Status: Alive

Country: Kingdom of Granzreich

Occupation: First Princess

Gender: Female

Birthday: February 10 (younger by 20 minutes)

Age: 17

Height: 167cm(5'5")

Weight: 54kg(121 pounds)


Queen Mother (grandmother)

Viktor von Granzreich (father)

Queen Granzreich (mother)

Eins von Granzreich (older brother)

Kai von Granzreich (twin brother)

Bruno von Granzreich (younger brother)

Leonhard von Granzreich (younger brother)

Licht von Granzreich (younger brother)

Adele von Granzreich (younger sister)


Kailua(Kai-loo-uh) is a rather short young woman compared to her brothers with long light honey gold colored blonde hair that ends at her upper thigh. She usually lets it flow down but keeps some parts up in the form of braids. She has large light colored sea blue eyes making her seem innocent, adorable and very approachable which many find comfort in. She has a small and lean built making it very easy for even Licht, the youngest brother of the group(age:14 years) to pick her up with only some struggle. With her short height and young appearance some people find it hard to believe she is 17 years old and the third oldest child of King Victor. When first seeing her people mistake her age for 14 or 15.


Kailua much like Kai is never one to be seen smiling often but she does talk more often than Kai and when she's around her family she can be a real chatter box. Kailua is a genteel girl who couldn't harm a fly and is very kindhearted, especially towards her siblings. She prefers to go down a peaceful road rather than a violent one. Because of this she has a very submissive attitude as to avoid conflicts and arguments which is something that her siblings have been trying to get her to stop.

Because of her submissive and peaceful ways she often talks in a soft tone and usually doesn't raise her voice above a proper "inside voice" volume and only shouts when an urgent matter comes up or when she's angry which rarely happens. Though she has a "soft" voice when she screams it can be surprisingly and shockingly loud but she only screams when she gets really scared.

Being the second shortest out of all her siblings(the shortest is Adele at 110cm or 3'6") only adds to Kailua's charm and often leads to people doting on her. Sometimes even her younger brothers like to spoil her and treat her like a child but she doesn't care or get offended or annoyed by it. Kailua is willing to do anything for her family if it makes them happy so if her being treated like a child by her siblings(other than her little sister)even if she's the third oldest then she doesn't mind. Kai doesn't treat her like a child like the rest of her bothers do from time to time but he is often seen ether playing with her hair or with her hands because "they are so soft and fluffy".

As twins Kai and Kailua have a very close relationship, more s than they do with their other siblings. Kailua is almost always seen by Kai's side and if not then she's ether in her room, with another one of her siblings, in the garden by herself or practicing her talents. Whenever Kai and Kailua are in the garden with each other they are usually in the shade of a tree with Kailua leaning against a tree and Kai rest his head on her lap as they both nap or relax. Because Kai is older by 20 minutes he is a bit more protective of Kailua compared to his other siblings, especially because of serval incidents that happened in the past. Whenever Kailua is scared Kai is always the first one by her side to comfort or protect her, it has been like this since they were young children.

Kailua is very set off by Hein when he first arrives at the palace like she is with all men but she isn't as guarded around him because of his short stature and childish looks. Also, she calms serval times that something about him tells her that he can be trusted but it is her embedded fear of men and royal tutors that has been engraved on her soul serval times that keeps her from trusting him as quickly as her other siblings. Even if she is less guarded around him she still prefers to have her lessons combined with Kai as a means of comfort. Kailua always makes sure to stay at least three steps away from Hein because of her fear of men but this is already very good compared to other men because she usually wouldn't come within six feet of other men outside of her family! Compared to other tutors Kailua is slightly fond of Hein because of the way he treats her brothers and how he treats her with respect by staying a comfortable amount of feet from her.

Much like her bother Kailua is an animal and flower lover but prefers small animals or the royal pet dog Shadow. Unlike her twin animals don't usually flock towards her but they come within a very close radius of her, so close that she can touch them if she reaches out towards the animals but she prefers to observe them from afar. Sometimes four legged animals will come lay down next to her and flop their heads down on her lap so she can pet them. She also loves cute and adorable things and has many stuffed animals in her room. In addition, despite being shy and closed off, she is actually very intelligent with her average scores being around 97. 

Kailua is rather lazy like her twin and prefers to laze around in the garden and take naps with his head resting in her lap(as stated above), finding simple things like dressing and moving around a lot annoying, she prefers to stay in her night gowns when she can while locking herself in her room all day and resting. If she is not in lesson, with her brothers or lazing around she is in her room practicing her talents and different arts. Even if she is considered lazy she loves to practice her talents and can not bare to go a day without working on them.

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