Chapter 4 - 4 And A Half Minutes And Your Asking Questions?
The Doctor's P.O.V
As my eyes began to open I realized I was lead on my back, on a Grey metal floor. I looked over to left to see my hand was still attached to Amy's and hers still held on to Rory's. But something was missing. My moved my right hand to find it felt empty.
The girl!
I instantly sat up and I instantly regretted it as my head was greeted by large pounding noise. When I looked over to my right again I saw nothing of the girl but her white jumper. I sat up again but this time slower. I stood up and took in my surroundings.
A spaceship.
Huge Alien equipment sat in the middle of the room, which as surrounded by loose wires and large electrical cables. A Grey and dark atmosphere overtook the whole room, along with just the sound of engines. I wondered around the room and came across a large circular window.
"Wow! Haven't had this view in a while!" I mumbled quietly, as I overlooked Planet Earth.
A high pitched scream brought me out of my thoughts, as a set of doors blew of their frames and hit the floor. I looked over at Amy and Rory to check they were ok, only to see them still passed out. I looked back over to the doors to see a single Cyberman walking towards me, holding it's arm out.
"INTRUDER! YOU MUST DELETED! DELETE!" The mechanical voice told me. I reached around my pockets for my Sonic Screwdriver, only to find it gone.
"I'm not an intruder. I'm..I' inspector! Yes, that's right, an inspector. I'm here to inspect your...umm... electrics! There's been right trouble in these area's, so I'm here to check everything is ok. Is it?" I rambled on, while backing away from the metal alien.
"REPORTS SHOW. THAT WAS A LIE! DELETE! DELETE!" The emotionless voice said.
My back soon hit a wall and I couldn't see a way out. No Screwdriver. No friends to help me out. A missing stranger. And now death. Great day so far!
"DELETE! DELETE! DEL...." The voice started off. I looked up at the head of the Cyberman to see it had gone. I then looked to the floor to see it rolling around. The Cyberman fell to the floor dead and replacing its figure was a girl.
Our stranger girl.
"You alright?" She asked, running over to me.
"Yes, yes I'm fine! Are you alright?" I asked back.
"I'm fine! Anyway that as the last Cyberman, so their all gone now." She said, walking off. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me.
"Wait, wait wait! What do you mean the last one? Where are all the others?" I asked, confused.
"Dead!" She stated simply.
"Yes, dead. Now if you'll excuse me." She told me, attempting to walk off again but failing as I pulled her back again.
"How? How can they all be dead? You said there were an army of Cybermen!"
"There were! 2,368 to be exact. But while you were having a nap, I actually did something and stopped them!" She explained.
"You defeated a whole army of Cybermen, while I was out cold? How long was I for?" I asked, astonished by the strange girl.
"Ohh about, 4 and a half minutes!"
"4 and a half minutes? You killed off 2,368 Cybermen in 4 and a half minutes?" I exclaimed.

My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)
Fanfiction*2013 WATTY AWARD NOMINEE* "I'm Madison by the way. Madison Lauren Kristin Brown, Maddy for short. I'm an alien. A Time lord to be exact. That's me. An alien posing as a human living on Earth, while saving other planets from other alien threats. Sim...