Chapter 21 - Please, Save Me.
Madison's P.O.V.
"I want to break free! I want to break free! I want to break free from your lies! You're so self satisfied, I don't need you! I'VE GOT TO BREAK FREE! GOD KNOW, GOD KNOW I WANT TO BREAK FREE"
"OI! KEEP THE NOISE DOWN!" Somebody shouted, thumping against the door.
"RIGHT! THAT'S IT! I'M COMING IN!" The male voice shouted, as the clunking noise of the door filled the room.
"AND HERE HE COMES! MY GUARD! BECAUSE I'M A VERY BAD GIRL! AND ANOTHER THING...ohh and he's hot too!" I shouted, as the hot guard entered the room.
"You need to shut up! Don't make me get the boss in!" He replied, sternly.
I shivered at the name of 'The Boss'. He was in charge of the operation to take me.
Maybe, I should explain everything so far?
I've been stuck with U.N.I.T for a week now. And it's the same everyday! I get woken up at 6:30, which is basically the middle of the night! They give me a few slices of toast, which I refuse to eat as it might be poisoned. They then drag me out to a room where they carry out tests on me. But if I refuse I get beaten up and punished and as I refuse a lot, I'm in a quite bad state!
I've got a split lip. A black right eye. 12 cuts on my left arm and 7 on my right arm. My stomach and chest have gone a dark purplish colour from bruising. I'm pretty sure my right leg is broken, hence why they drag me out of the cell. And my feet. Well, there they only things that aren't damaged!
"Oh go get your boss then! See if I care!" I yelled, looking away in a bad mood.
"Oh you will care! Especially when you see what he has in store for you!" The man hissed, before backing out the door with an evil smirk.
"WELL I DON'T CARE! SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL LET ME GO!" I screamed as he shut the door again.
I did care. I cared. I worried. I was angry.
I was scared.
And I'm normal not. It takes a lot to make me scared. And they were capable of that. Making me scared. And that made me more caring. More worried. More angry. More scared.
I try to push out the bad thoughts. Of what will happen to me in my future here. How I will leave here. Dead or alive. I just replaced them with good thoughts.
Of him. The Doctor.
The happy memories with him, made the smile shine bright on my face. How we ran together. How we had stupid arguments. How I loved him. And how he would never love me back. Then the sad memories would return. But I would never cry. Crying is a sign of weakness and I couldn't afford to show U.N.I.T. weakness.
The rattling of the door began again, as it slided open to reveal four men. My guard and two others surrounded him. The Boss. Better known as....
"Ahh! Colonel James Grandes! Such a pleasure every time!" I said, giving him a sarcastic smile.
"Likewise Miss Brown! Now what's this I heard about you being in trouble?" He asked, whispering the last part as he lent down to eye level with me.
Oh did I forget to mention? I'm tied up. To a wooden chair. I'm tied to a wooden chair by metal chains, in the middle of the room.
"Nope! Don't know where you heard that!" I lied. A cold, hard slap came smashing onto my face, as James let out a wicked laugh.

My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)
Fanfiction*2013 WATTY AWARD NOMINEE* "I'm Madison by the way. Madison Lauren Kristin Brown, Maddy for short. I'm an alien. A Time lord to be exact. That's me. An alien posing as a human living on Earth, while saving other planets from other alien threats. Sim...