Chapter 10

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Back to Chapter 8's timeline... and SURPRISE!!


I watched the news in my room on my comfy pink bed. This past year was the best of my life. After Summer was hurt, I didn't get the chance to talk to Violet... my sister. I'm happy to say that I've grown up to be a 9 year old! Peyton ended up adopting to me because she couldn't let me go back to Brett. There was no argue in the matter since I was to be put in the system anyways. I love Peyton. She is my new mother and now that I have had her, I know what life should be like. Happy and Free.

The news lady was discussing of a murder. A picture of the dead woman flickered on the screen. I looked closely. Hey... I know her! Thats Violets mom! I I met her back when I saved the day and called the police! That was thanks to Peyton though, for she let me use her phone. Oh no... poor Violet. I should make sure she's okay. I had heard that she was living in her old house with Summer. It would be good to see both of them again. "Peyton!" I paused the TV where it showed her picture and name. Peyton came running in.

"Abby?" She cracked open my door and popped her head in. I waved my hand for her to come in and look at the TV. She looked and frowned. "Oh that poor woman. Abby, you shouldn't be watching this stuff. It's truly nobodies business except for her family's." I face palmed on the inside because she didn't recognize her. "Peyton, that's Violets mom! Plus, if Violet is my half sister than that means it is a family matter." I stated proudly, knowing my facts.

Not to brag, but I've been given the nickname of Matilda at school for being a genius. Peyton looked at me and frowned. "Okay, so what are we going to do then?" I smiled. "We have to go see Violet and make sure she's okay." Peyton looked at me wearily. "Sweetheart, I don't know if that's best. We should give Violet some time alone." I looked down in disappointment before remembering something. "Studies say, that you need people to get over a large sadness. Its not something that you can do alone." She looked at me and smiled, shaking her head.

"Wherever did you get that brain of yours? Okay, pack some clothes, we will stay in town for a bit and visit her." I stood up and busted out dancing. "Hooray! I get to see my sister!"


Finally, we were at her door step. We knocked on the door. I heard many screams coming from the inside which made me worried. "Maybe we should leave and come back later, Abby." Peyton looked down at me and said. "No, we have to make sure she's okay." I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Peyton tried to protest, but I had already walked inside. The screams got louder than before. "Violet?" I called out softly. "Abby, we need to let her grieve." I brushed her statements off. I walked down the hallway and up to the room the screams were coming from. Suddenly, there was no more sounds. "Violet..." I said as I opened the door

I was shocked at the sight in front of my eyes. "Violet?" Violet was sitting on the floor with cuts all over her body. She had glass from a mirror up to her neck, ready to cut. She looked up at me and backed up. The sharp glass was still held up to her neck, even more so now. "Violet! What... What happened to you?" Peyton came up behind me as I felt her hand touch my shoulder. She forced me to look away from Violet. She started to slowly walk up to her. Violet only pushed the glass harder on her neck. "Vi please stop!" She looked past Peyton and at me. "I don't want to live without her..."

Tears were welling up in my eyes as she started to look more dizzy. She was losing too much blood, I read that in a book. Peyton stopped so she wouldn't press harder. "Violet, please put it down." Peyton said her hands up in a way of asking for her to hand her the glass. "No, no, I don't want to live in a world where my mother isn't here!" She yelled as she pressed the blade, causing trickles of blood to fall. "Well I don't want to live in a world without you!" I yelled, crying intensely now. Tears just kept falling. I hadn't cried this much since my daddy hurt me. Its funny... I only remember those feelings now. I haven't before, just now.

Violet had tears going down her face as she put the blade on the ground. Peyton kicked it away and I ran to hug Violet. She hissed in pain when I touched her skin. "I'm sorry." I backed off of her. Behind me, Peyton was calling 911. There was blood all over the floor. I would clean it up for her. She didn't need the stress. "Violet, an ambulance is on their way to check you out, okay?" Peyton said. Violet looked even more drowsy than before. She slowly nodded just before passing out.

"Oh no! Is she still breathing?" Peyton put her hand to Violets neck. "Her pulse is weak. But its okay. The ambulance will be here. They will help her. I will clean up this mess here, okay? You go ahead and go with Violet to the hospital. I will call you when I'm on my way." She looked up and said to me sternly. "Whatever you do, do not leave her side. If the doctors say you can't go then sit in the waiting room where a woman employee can see you. A woman. Do you understand me?" I nodded. She didn't want me to get in trouble.

It was understandable with my daddy being out there. He could be looking for me. I didn't ever wanna go back there, so I followed her instructions. When the ambulance came, I stuck with Violet. Soon we got to the hospital where Violet was taken somewhere that I couldn't go. I sat in the waiting room, right next to the desk where a nurse sat. She looked nice; I knew I could trust her.

After a while, Peyton called me to tell me she was almost here. The doctors came out and yelled Violet's name. I stood up and called them over. "What is your relation to Violet?" They asked me. "She is my sister." I simply said. They looked around confused. "Do you have parents?" "No, but my guardian who adopted me is on her way." They nodded and asked me to follow them. They took me to a room where Violet was sleeping. She had a lot of band-aids but she was okay, I think. "So will she be home soon?" They smiled and nodded. "Just in a few hours when she wakes up." I nodded and smiled back at them before joining Violet by sitting next to her. I fell asleep after a while.

The next few hours, I woke up and so did Violet. Peyton was there to take her home. We decided, with Violet insisting, to stay there for the night instead of a hotel. We ate dinner and had dessert. The good kind of dessert. A big bowl of ice cream with sprinkles, gummy bears, and hot fudge on top. It was amazing. I missed my sister. I missed my family.


So this was NOT in the plan to write but neither was the chapter 8 cliffhanger so I kinda had to continue that... sorry. I didn't forget though! So this was an extra chapter, but the original track will be continued! It is back to the timeline where we left off in Chapter 9!

I sincerely hope you liked seeing Abby again and now she's 9! I actually don't remember how old she was when I first created her, but I couldn't find it, and I went through many chapters of Who I Really Am to try to find her age, but I found nothing. So I decided to just make her 9 because I have no concept of time and how any timeline works in my books... sorry?

Anyway, I will be trying to finish the next chapter as soon as possible!

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