Part 8

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☀️Next Morning☀️

You: (laying down on your phone)

Roc: (walks out the bathroom) you up?

You: yeah. (Turn on your back)

Roc: (lays next to you) I was going to wake you. But I heard you kept getting up for Chris.

You: I think he's hurting. He just would not sleep last night.

Roc: he's just getting to that age where he sees he's not sleeping with you. So he's begging for your attention.

You: My baby is not jealous.

Roc: yes he is. I told you, you was spoiling him.

You: no I'm not.

Roc: (wraps his arms around you)So, I decided...I'll go to the movies with you.

You: last night, my mom called and needs help around the house. (Sits up) Sorry Bae.

Roc: You need my help?

You: No it's just a little house keeping.

Roc: what am I suppose to do all day?

You: it's not all day? But i'll leave Chris. That'll keep you busy.

Roc: Alright.

💭Later on💭

You: (walk in your mom's house)

Y/m: (sweeping) there you are.

You: (looking around) Wow you still haven't changed anything.(laugh a little)

Y/m: well it still is your house. I'm just keeping it for you.(winks)

You: (smile and sit down)

Y/m: where is my grand baby. (Walks over)

You: Chres has him.

Y/m: aww. Father Son day.

You: (laugh a little) I guess

Y/m: (sits down)

You: (looking at her)

Y/m: (holds your hand) everything okay? You sounded worried when I talked to you last night.

Your POV: No.

You: (nod) Yeah. Maybe I was worried about Chris. He's acting different. Crying a lot. Chres said he's just seeking attention.

Y/m: (laughs) Well a momma knows best.

You: (laugh)

💭Chres House💭

Roc: (walking down the steps with Chris)

EJ: Cuz. Where you going?

Roc: Play some catch with Chris. Come out and watch this future NFL star at work.

EJ:(laughs) Alright.

Roc: (walks out the back door)

EJ: (follows him)


EJ: okay. (Throws the ball to Roc)

Roc: (starts running slowly pass Chris)

Chris: (sits down and start crying)

Roc: hey lil man.

EJ: Yepp I see every team wanting him.(laughs)

Roc: he's usually into it.(picks him up) what's wrong?

EJ: (walks over to him)

Roc: (feels Chris head) is he hot to you?

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