Part 23

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⚽️Soccer Practice⚽️
You: (taking role) michael.
Michael: here.(whispers to another girl) She kissed her boyfriend today.
You: okay everyone stand up. Get ready to exercise.(walk over to the stands)
Madison: (looks at him)
Alice: no she didn't.
Michael: My sister is in her class. I know.
Madison: no she didn't ,
Michael: shut up Madison you're just mad it wasn't your daddy.
Madison: (looks at you) No I'm not.
Michael: my sister said he comes everyday.
Madison: Shut up Michael!(walks over and pushes him down)
Everyone: ooooooh!🙊
You: (look at them then run back over) what's going on?
Michael: (stand up) Madison is being a bully
You: (look at Madison)
Madison: (starts running)
You: Madison. (Catches up with her)
Madison: I don't want to play soccer anymore. Can I call my daddy?
3⃣0⃣ minutes later3⃣0⃣
You: (blow the whistle)
Michael: (kicks the ball)
Roc: (walks on the field)
Madison: (gets up and walk to him)
You: (look at her then put your clipboard down and walk over)
Your POV: someone is fixed.
Roc: What's wrong?
EJ: (gets out of Roc's car and look at you)
You: (glance at EJ)
EJ: (smiles)
You: (smile a little ) Mr.August.. I asked her why she pushed Michael but she won't tell me.
Roc: 😳What?
You: Neither of the kids wont tell me what happened.
Roc: No..what did you call me?
You: (look down then back at him)
Madison: I want to go back to my mom's house.
Roc: (looking at you)
Roc:(looking at Madison) I can't believe you're mad at y/n.
Madison: (looking straight ahead)
Roc: she's your best friend.
Madison: (puts on her seatbelt)
Roc: you know the first game is coming up. If we leave . This is it. No more soccer for you.
Madison: y/n has a boyfriend.
Roc: what?
Madison: Michael was talking about how his sister saw them kissing outside of the classroom.
Madison:That's why I pushed him.
Roc: (gets back out the car and walk bank to the field)
You: (blow the whistle) good job yall.
Roc: y/n. Can I talk to you?
You: I'm busy. (To the kids) Pair up and practice your passing.
Roc: of course because you knew all along why Madison pushed him.
You: what? No I don't.
Roc: michael's sister saw you kissing some man in class.
You: (look at him) Chres don't try to put me and you as the cause of this thinking we'll work things out.
Roc: I can't help that my daughter had become more attached to you then her own mother to the fact that she wants me to marry you.
You: oh now you figured it out?
Roc: what? You wanted to get married?
You: Chresanto I am very busy.
Roc: (gets on his knees)
You: Chres!
EJ: (gets out the car looking over)
Roc: y/n I am so sorry for everything I did to hurt you. I hope that you can believe me when I say I love you more than anything in the world.
You: (look at EJ then Chres)
Roc: -your full name- Will you marry me?
You: ...
Roc: (looking at you)
You: Chres.(fighting back tears) No.Chres. I..I don't love.
Roc: (stands up)
You: (shaking your head) Chresanto I don't love you anymore.
Roc: (looking at you)
You: now that I know what happened. Can I speak to her?
-moments later-
Madison: (walks up to you)
You: Madison..(squat down) baby. I heard what happened.
Madison: is it true?
You: (looking at her and nod a little)
Madison: (eyes watering)
You: (wipe her eyes) don't..Madison. This doesn't make anything different between you and me okay?
Madison:(nods) Does this mean you and my dad are never getting back together?
You: Madison: (hugs her) If there is a thing you need. Just call me. And don't worry. I'll be over to bring Christopher a lot because I sure won't be teaching him how to play football(laughs)
Madison: (laughs a little)
You: I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Madison: now the kids are going to laugh at me. I told them all that you loved my daddy. Remember ?
You: (nod) But you're my little helper. Remember? (Whispers) I ran track. I didn't play soccer.
Madison: (nods laughing)
You: so you going to help me out?
Madison: Yeah.
You: (hug her again)
Madison:Next Sunday is the last game of the season. My daddy's first game back. Can you please come.
You: did your daddy tell you to say that?
Madison: (shakes her head) I promise. I overhead them saying they needed a lot of fans cheering them on.
You: Madison
Madison: y/n. Please for me. I don't want to be stuck sitting between Stacie and Nicki.
You: (laugh) okay.
Madison: (laughs)
You: now go tell your daddy you're finishing practice.
Madison: (runs off)
You: (shopping while on the phone with EJ)
EJ: I can't wait til we can become a thing.
You: a thing?
EJ: I'm not rushing you.
You: I dunno. I like being friends with benefits.
EJ: why because you can still think about Chres then call me to get over it.
You: (put oatmeal in the bucket)
EJ: you there?
You: yeah.
Ej: Get some whipped cream while you're at it.
You: (laugh)
Roc: y/n.
You: (look at him and hang up the phone)
Roc: (smiles) thanks for talking to madison.
You: I did it so she wouldn't be angry at me. (Looking at whipped cream)
Roc: how are you...and your guy?
You: great.
Roc:(nodding) that's good.
You: You and Brittany?
Roc: I haven't talked to her since that night.
You: Well that doesn't make any since.
Roc: (looks you up and down)
You: I just want to know...Chres. When did it start?
Roc: ...That day Chris got sick. I saw her at the drug store.
You: and she was the girl at the cl..(gto)
Roc: Yes.
EJ: (calling you back)
You: (look at Roc then answer) Yeah?
EJ: what happened?
You: I didn't mean to hang up. But I'm about to go through the checkout line. And I'll be home soon.
EJ: did you get the whipped cream?
You:..yes I got it.(blush a little)
Roc:(looking at you)
You: See you in a few.(hang up)
Roc: (looking at you) How is Chris?
You: fine, he's with my mom now. You can come get him sometimes. He is your son.
Roc: (smiles)I'll come through then,
You: Yeah. Well I'll talk to you later.
Roc: Yeah take care of yourself now.
You:I will (walk away)

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