Part 14

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🍴Next Morning🍴

You: (put Chres's crutches by his bed) you sure you're okay?

Roc: yes y/n. Just go before you're late.

You: Don't try to walk down the stairs alone baby.

Roc: don't worry.

You: (pick up Chris) See you later

Roc: no kiss.

You: (turn around, kiss him then leave)

Roc: (turns on the tv)

TV: our very own Chresanto August took a nasty fall yesterday.

Other man: you know what in my opinion Chresanto's head wasn't in the game. Everything he was doing through the game wasn't his best.

Roc: (flips the channel)


You: (walk out)

Madison: I can still hear him crying.

You: He's going to get used to it.

Madison: (gets in the back seat)

You: (get in the drivers seat)

Madison: (smiling) Are you ready for your first day back at school.

You: (laugh) yes Madison.

Madison: (laughs) now everyone will believe that you and my daddy are dating.

You: you told everyone?

Madison: No...just the 3rd graders.

You: (laugh shaking your head)


You: bye..(hurry)

Madison: (runs down the hall)

You: Madison..

Madison: oops..(starts walking quickly)

You: (laugh and walk to the office)

💭With Roc💭

Roc: (watching his highlights from the computer)

EJ: knock knock.

Roc: (looks at the door)

(Ray and Prod are with him)

Roc: What's this?.(puts his laptop to the side)

EJ: man..(looks at his leg) I saw that fall.

Roc: (laughs a little)this will sit me out a couple of games.

Ray: man ya house ain't been like this in a long time?

Roc: what?

Ray: No y/ Boy you got it made.

Roc: don't yall start.

EJ: start what?

Prod: back in the days thus used to be the cave. We'd invite all the baddest women over.

EJ: (laughing) Chres you never told me that.

Roc: cause you'll start something.

EJ: (takes out his phone)

Roc: what you doing man?

EJ: Ya girl at work. We Finna have a show

Roc: come on now. Y/n lives here.

Ray: (laughing)

EJ: Abby..(walks out the room)

Roc: (looks at Ray) I can't even move. What am I supposed to do.

Ray: you lucky then. (Walks out)

Roc: (look at Prod) You better not let anything get left in this house.

Prod: my bad bro.


Stacie: (on the phone) so you think you're going go be at every game he has?

You: to show my support. Yeah.

Stacie: you're new to this. Y/n you're not going up be at every game. Sooner or later you're going to get tired of him even talking about football.

You: (laugh) I have to call and check on him.

Stacie: send him my love.

You: Kay.(hang up)

-moments later-

You: (calling Roc)

Your POV: pick up..

Roc: (answers) I'm sorry baby I dozed off.

You: did I wake you up.

Roc: you're good...a..go ahead.

You: I'm on lunch break. I really like this Chres. I just wish you was feeling okay. I'm worried.

Roc: (breathes out) don't be.

You: are you okay?

Roc: did Chris do when you dropped him off?

You: (laugh and lean on your desk) He cried Chres. Even Madison felt bad leaving him.


You: baby I think you're still sleepy. Call me when you wake up.

Roc: (laughs) okay. Love you.(hangs up)

You: (stare at the back of the classroom)

???:Welcome back!

You: (look at the door) Kimberly!

Kimberly: (gives you some flowers) I brought these for your room.

You: thanks. How have things been?

Kimberly: Good. The new principal is great.

You: I know. I just met her.(smile)

🏃After School🏃

You: (on the football field)

Madison: are we going to have to practice while it's cold?

You: Well maybe. Soccer starts in a February. Are you really going to join Madison?

Madison: (nods)

You:that's why I love you..(wrap your arms around her) you stick with me. (Start walking to the car)

Madison: (laughs)


You: (walk in)

Girl: (sitting on the couch)

Madison:(looks at her)

You: (put Chris Down) Excuse me.

Girl: (stands up) Hi. I'm Abigail.

You: I'm y/n. You need anything?

Madison: (looks at you)

Abigail : ohh y/n? Chres's girl right.

You: yeah.

Abigail: well I just came over. For a little gathering we had. I'm with EJ.

You: oh..Madison: can you take Chris upstairs?

Madison: (walks upstairs holding Chris's hand)

You: (take off your coat) what type of gathering was this?

Abigail: just a few friends.

You: (nod) Girls?

Abigail: (looking at you) look. I'm leaving okay?

EJ: (comes running down the steps) ohh. Abigail

Abigail: thanks for having me EJ.(leaves)

You: (looking at EJ)

EJ: yall back early.

You: (roll your eyes and walk upstairs)

EJ: (runs behind you) y/n

You: What EJ?

EJ: Chres had nothing to do with this.

You: (continues walking up the stairs)

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