Run away (part 1)

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I'll be honest, I didn't fully do this all on my own.  Zimny_YoonSanHa helped me and even though they  didn't want any credit. I'm giving them a shout out for helping an author that was having really bad Writer's Block and was honestly kind of lazy to finish this.

Zimny_YoonSanHa it isn't exactly what we talked about but thank again for helping me! 😘 💕

Okay to the one shot! 


It was snowing outside and Jimin was sitting in front of the window with his favorite stuffie, waiting for his friends to come over. 

His little stuffie ^

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His little stuffie ^

His daddy told him to wait for the other littles down stairs, since he was working on some important things. Jimin felt as he has been sitting there for ages and was getting really bored. As if Jin knew what Jimin was feeling, he sat next to him and soothed his hair, "They're coming soon, little minnie, instead of waiting here do you want to watch a movie? "

Minnie nodded and they both got up and moved to the couch, " What do you want to watch? " Jin asked.  "The Little Mermaid! " Jimin excited yelled, he absolutely loved that movie.

After he yelled the name of the movie, Taehyung and Jungkook came down, "I heard someone say The Little Mermaid and I just want to say, lowkey tho I thought Sebastian voice was kinda hot. I love a man with an accent... Oh, and that I want to watch the movie, of course. " Tae says innocently smiling. They all eyed him for a moment, they all knew he was an odd character but that just came out of nowhere.

Out of their awkward silence, Jungkook yells, " What the f..." He eyed Jin for a moment feeling he's  stares like daggers,  "flock of birds, Tae! I hope I don't come home one day and find you sleeping with a crab." He nervously laughs and lets out a sigh of
relief when Jin wasn't staring anymore.


Not too long later, there is a knock on the door and little Minnie jumps up hoping it's his friends. Jin goes to open the door as Jimin stands there excitingly. From the the doorway enters, Baekhyun and his boyfriend Chanyeol along with Mark and his boyfriend Jinyoung and his pregnant little brown dog. (I'm not sure if he owns a dog but I added one in anyway.)

Jimin yells, he was so excited to see his friends and they were too. Baekhyun and Mark ran over to Jimin and nearly hugged the life out of him.

"Did you bring your stuffies? " Jimin asked. They both nodded and showed him their stuffies. They all had matching stuffies, the only difference is they were all different colors.  Baekhyun had a white one, and Mark had a pink one. All three littles were so excited to see each other they immediately when to play with the small dog dog following.


Some time later, Jimin has been having a lot of fun with this friends but he was missing Namjoon a lot so decided to go see him asking his friends to stay there and continue playing with out him.

Jimin politely knocked on the door of the room Namjoon was working in now a days all he wanted to do was work, Jiminie felt lonely. Jimin got the usual "What? " from the other side. "Can I come in, Joonie? " He heard a sigh and Namjoon said yes. 

Jimin opened the door and Namjoon just looked at him. It wasn't the usual look he would give him, this one was more 'if it's not important get out'.  "Daddy, I wanted to see you. I miss you a lot. " Jimin said with a little pout. Namjoon threw his head back on to the chair, "Jimin, how old are you? "

"Jiminie is 3, did you forget daddy?" He asked tilting his head to the side. "No, you're  not Jimin. Can you stop calling me that and act your own age for once. I don't want to deal with little Jimin right now, I'm busy with work and you come in here just to bother me can you please get out."

Jimin on the verge of tears complied. Once he closed the door behind him he couldn't hold his tears back, Jimin didn't want to act his age, that means responsibilities and no more playing with stuffies and coloring when that was all he wanted to do. He feel so sad and angry, he wanted to just leave.

Jimin sat in his room just thinking. He was so lost in thought he didn't realize the little dog walked in and sat next to him but as soon as the dog did that jimin got up and starting packing his things. He took his favorite stuffies but decided to leave the ryans behind.  He also took some candy from his super secret stash. (It's so secret, I would get in trouble with Minie for typing it) After collecting his things he put on his light blue jacket and stealthily made his way downstairs. He's seen Jhope and Suga do this hundred of times when they wanted to sneak out of the house at night time so it shouldn't be that hard to do. Jimin quietly slipped down the railing as the little dog followed behind him on the stairs and carefully placed his feet down on the floor. At this time the other littles were with their daddies and they were chatting with Jin. Jimin took this chance to leave through the back door.

He quietly opened and closed the door and ran as fast as he could with the little dog trailing behind. Jimin went to the only other place he could think of, the park. Once he got there he sat under the playground hugging the small dog. He wasn't going to stay here forever just until Namjoon realized what he said hurt Jimin and came to get him.

Not long after Jimin started to get hungry and he pretty much ate all this candy at this point. He wonder what he should do, if he should go back home or find something. In the middle of his thought process the dog started barking, Jimin looked at direction the dog was barking. There was a man standing there, looking at him.

End of Lost part 1
Is anyone else nervous?

Thanks for reading. Sorry for taking so long after school let out, I kinda became lazy.

Anyways, tell me what you think of the story so far in the comments.

Bye~ 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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