"What's wrong with me?"

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Sally's Pv
I had been happy since I met Larry I don't know why but whenever he's around I feel calm and happy but when he's gone all the memories and bad thoughts rush into my head.
Larry was sick off school today I felt empty again like I was alone even though I stood with Todd , Neil (Todd's boyfriend) and Ash, if I took my prosthetic off you could see it written on my face the words "depressed" I couldn't tell why but my depression was hitting me hard today, was it because Larry wasn't here, no it's not it can't be it's not like I can't live without him

(Warning self harm in this paragraph)
I walked away from the group into the bathroom I walked in a stall and locked it I grabbed out my sharpener blade and started cutting my wrist up again "what's wrong with me?" I asked myself , I did this a lot normally at night after a nightmare or when I was alone at home I'd never done it on school grounds before, I grabbed some bandages out of my bag and wrapped my wrist and walked back to the group

Todd noticed me first and waved "I am back" I said a little bit quitter then I wanted to be "oh hey sally, are you okay today you don't seem yourself?" Ash asked in as soft voice  "hmm, yeah i probably didn't get enough sleep or something" I chuckled trying to make it seem like I was okay, to be fair I was being honest I hadn't slept last night again

~time skip to when sal arrived back at the apartment

I walk into the apartments and sighed I was so tired today. I was just about to get in the elevator when Lisa called my name "sally" I walk over to her "hey Lisa, hows Larry doing?" I ask faking a smile I don't know why I did, it's not like you can see my face anyway "getting better I think he was just lazy and didn't wanna go to school" she said smiling then started to laugh "can you go watch him I gotta go do some work then go shopping" Lisa asked kindly, I wished she could be my mom "yeah I'll look after him for you as long as you buy more marshmallows" I said chuckling "yeah of course I'll buy some more" she said then left

I walked into Larry's apartment I heard a deep sexy voice call out to me "mom is that you?, I need you to give some pain killers and vixent rub?" (something in my country that you rub on you body when it hurts or if your sick) "it's me sally face, I'll grab them for you" I said my face flushed re-justing my mask so it wouldn't slip off and grabbed the things he wanted and walked into Larry's room he look tired and his face with beat red from his high temperature I passed him the things he asked for "sal have you slept, you look shattered" Larry said in the same sexy tone as before I think this cold was gonna kill me, I don't know how I can't love his gravely voice "y-yeah I s-slept last night" I was lying and he knew it because when I lied I stuttered or if I convinced my self it wasn't lying just a bit quieter in the way I spoke "sally face don't lie to me, anyway put some sanity falls on it'll make me feel better and it'll wake you up" Larry said pointing at the radio he had

I walked up to it and turned on the sanity falls and me and Larry started head banging I was doing it so hard my mask flew off and hit Larry in the face he looked down at my mask and closed his eyes "I won't look sally face don't worry" Larry was always so respecting towards my decision to hide my face he didn't know why but didn't push me to know why which made me happy

I put my mask back on "you can open your eyes" I said as he did so "why do you close your eyes?" I ask confused I'd been confused about why he did but him doing so made me happy  "well I respect that you don't want people seeing it, you'll show me what you look like, when your ready and if I rush you I might push you away and I don't wanna do that because where good friends" Larry said smile I swear my heart exploded at that moment "thank you Larry" I said hugging him

~time skip to when Sally's in his own apartment

I had just woken up from a nightmare I was sobbing I hugged my legs while tears ran down my face "sally are you crying" I heard Larry's voice I looked around for him but then realised that I'd left the walkie talkie on "Larry why are you awake" I said stifling and wiping my tears "I'd heard you scream I woke up and saw that you left the walkie on and then I heard sobbing" Larry said with concern in his voice "sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I was glad I didn't start cutting today then Larry would've found out "was it the nightmares" Larry asked calmly "y-yeah" I said feeling like crying again "okay we'll go back to sleep I'll see you at school tomorrow sally", "goodnight Larry" I said and closed my eyes

{958} words, my poor defenceless hands XD I love this ship so much so I hope you enjoy it as well

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