The night it all happened

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Sally's Pv
I'd woke up And for the first time I didn't feel depressed or anxious I felt calm and happy Larry made the bad feeling go away, but it made time without him worse there was a party tonight Todd invited me to going on tonight
"Hey sally face, do you wanna go to Neils birthday party?" Todd said smiling "I don't know if he'll want me there" I said while my anxiety kicked in I hated crowds "trust me he does, plus Larry's coming~" Todd said winking at me I had told Todd about my crush on Larry 6 months ago "fine I'll come"
~end of flashback
He always did know how to control me
By using my love for Larry as an reason to do stuff but I am worried about the party, I'm on growth hormones and they've been causing an uncomfortable problem (he means they're making him get boners) if it happens tomorrow I am dead
Sorry it's short hope you enjoyed {174}

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