chapter 6

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breakfast was over. deja and I went and did our stuff like took showers, brushed our teeth and did our hair.

"come here you two!"Michael yelled.

deja and I ran towards him, his arms out wide. he hugged us again!

"hey. I just want you girls to know, how much I love you. though we just met last night, I thought you looked like little innocent angels, who were calling my name."

"we love you too Michael!" deja and I said together.

"you changed my life, Michael. now, I think about how I live, and what such a horrible role model I was."I told Michael.

"you change my life too, Michael. I care about kids a lot more, and I'm more generous than I used to be. and Jayden and I both love you a lot. so so much. "deja told Michael, too.

"well girls, I love you too. i would do anything to help you. I'll tell you want you want me to tell you, and I'll hug you when you need a hug. and I'm glad I changed your bad habits. I really am" Michael told us.

"thank you Michael"deja and I said.

"you're welcome girls. now let's get to Neverland." he said to us.

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