your ears are red

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"Okay that's enough."

"No Hyung just one more, please! Do a cute one now a cute one!" Na Hyun puts her hands together, then holding her pointer finger out as she asked for one more. Shownu pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes shut.

The things I do for this girl.

He does one more pose, listening to his girlfriend as she captured pictures on her phone. The last pose- which was bringing a peace sign in between his eye with pouty lips, caused her to laugh loudly, but Shownu covered her mouth with his hand really quick.

"Come on already love, the quicker we reach the convenience store, the faster the guys would shut up in the dorm." He slings his right arm around her, tangling his fingers with hers as they continued to walk down the street in the airs of Spring.

The sky was in the shades of pink and purple as the sun slowly disappeared. Na Hyun was with the boys the whole day as she helped them for their 'The Connect' concert in Seoul that was taking place next week. The guys got hungry and wouldn't shut up about it, so Na Hyun and Shownu decided on walking to the nearby convenience shop to buy several snacks.

The automatic door of the convenience store slid open, and closed behind them as soon as they stepped in. They each grabbed a basket of their own, making their way to certain aisles.

"You can grab the chips and drinks, if you want I can cook something up since it's almost dinner." That sentence made Shownu's eyes light up in excitement, making her laugh.

"Okay we'll meet at the cash register in fifteen minutes." Shownu salutes, following his boss's instructions.

"Let's see... they probably have leftover kimchi back at the dorm.. some beef and pork should be good for kimchi bokumbap... and there's probably some eggs so maybe a few vegetables for gaeran mari..." Na Hyun naturally voices out her inner thoughts, speaking to herself as she picks and drops the items she needs into her basket. Soon enough, she found everything she needed. Surprisingly, Na Hyun was faster than Shownu to the front cashier and decided to check up with him in the snacks aisle.

Surely enough, he was still looking around the chips section with an empty basket. He was indecisive on what the guys would like, most especially for the snack fanatic, Hyungwon.

On her way to him, she spots several of the snacks she usually got them during their practices, picking them up she got closer.

Shownu looked clueless, blankly staring at the shelves. He scratches the back of his head, feeling troubled. Suddenly, the ruffling sounds of bags of chips were heard. He looked into his basket to find a bunch of the usual snacks they eat, sighing in relief.

"Thanks, Hyun-ah." She smiles before taking his other hand, pulling him to check out.

"Oh I almost forgot the drinks, I'll be right back." Shownu realizes before he sprints towards the back where the fridges were.

Na Hyun takes the baskets to the counter, fishing the items out one by one.

"Oh! Na Hyunssi." Na Hyun looks up to the sound of her name to find a former senior from her alma mater.

"Senior Junmyeon?" The cashier smiles, satisfied with the fact that she remembered. He nods, before beginning to scan the barcodes on the items.

"What are you doing here?"

"My parents own this store. They went to Jeju and no one could watch the store so I took over for the meantime. How are you? I heard you graduated top. Congratulations, and thanks for making the Fine Arts department proud." He brings his hand out to high five her, and she takes it.

"I'm good, and thank you! How about you?"

"I'm going to teach an art class at a local village in a few days. I usually do therapy painting and it's actually really amusing."

Na Hyun doesn't see Shownu, as she was too busy having a conversation with her senior. Shownu's steps slowed down, realizing the current situation as he was silently watching.

Na Hyun laughs at the stories Junmyeon tells, the kind of laughs that Shownu loves. But seeing someone else making her laugh the way he does made him feel weird.

To make it easier, he didn't like it.

Shownu silently goes up to where they were, handing the company card. Both Na Hyun and Junmyeon were surprised, but nevertheless he took it from his hand, gliding the card and returning it back to him.

"Hey we should collaborate sometime. Do you want to guest on one of my therapy painting sessions?" Shownu looks at Na Hyun, waiting for her answer.

"Uhh I'll see. I'm kind of busy right now." She senses how quiet Shownu is being, feeling a change in his mood.

"Oh, well if you want I can give you my number in cas-"

"Sorry to interrupt but my girlfriend and I have children to feed." Shownu abruptly days, taking all the plastic bags in one hand, and Na Hyun's hand in the other.

Na Hyun processed what happened then and there as he pulls her out of the convenience store. She turns to her senior, mouthing an apology as Junmyeon nods in understanding, waving goodbye.

"Hyung... Hyung! Slow down a little will you?" Na Hyun pulls his hand that held hers, making them stop a few blocks away from the dorm.

Shownu huffs a big sigh, dropping everything. He holds his head, turning away from Na Hyun as he continues to breathe in and out to try and calm himself down. He takes his hat off, brushing back his hair before putting his hat on backwards.

Once Na Hyun gives him time to cool down, she takes the opportunity to ask.

"What's wrong..? What happened back there?"

"That-that guy is what happened!" He exclaims furiously as he pointed towards the direction they came from.

"He's just my senior from colle- Your ears are red!" Na Hyun steps closer, touching his ears that radiated redness and heat.

"Are you jealous?" Na Hyun already sensed it. But she already knew the moment he dragged her out, and his red ears just confirmed it. They only turn red when he's one of two things: embarrassed, or jealous. She only asked if he was to tease him further.

Na Hyun places her hands on his shoulders, to his cheeks. "Oh my gosh, you're so cute!" She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug.

"C-Cute?! You think this whole thing that got me feeling things makes me cute?!" Nevertheless, Shownu returned the hug even though he was explaining his point of view.

"You know I wouldn't do anything like that to you."

"I know... it's not you I'm worried about. It's them. There's probably so many of them that I will never know about too."

He lets go to rub his face with his hands again in stress. Na Hyun pulls his hands away from his face, planting a kiss on his lips.

"I've only had my eyes on one guy my whole life."

This time, his ears were red of embarrassment.

Shownu looks down the concrete pavement, smiling crazily. It's like he was shot down, his weakness revealed. His anger is completely gone and his mood was as if he was on cloud nine. Na Hyun laughs before grabbing the plastic bags on the floor, pulling him along with her.

"Come on love, we have children to feed."

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