missed calls

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"Are you sure you've tried everything Hyunsik hyung?"

"Yes. We can't call the police yet though, it hasn't been 24 hours."

"Hyung, can you stay still just a sec, you're making us dizzy. It hasn't even been 10 hours yet."

"How can I? She usually answers my texts and calls! This is the first time she gave no notice whatsoever." Shownu faced Kihyun, who stood up to pat his shoulder.

"What if something happened to her again? What if she's lying unconscious somewhere oh my gosh it must be so cold! Or worst! She's probably dead! Oh my gosh hyung she's de-"

Before Minhyuk could finish, other members hit him with whatever they had for him to discontinue his sentence. This made Shownu uneasy. The members as well.

They all woke up earlier than usual today for a meeting with Starship. Usually, Na Hyun would greet them in their group chat a small good morning or a meme, but today she wasn't even on. Of course, from time to time she would forget to charge her phone but she always made sure to call Shownu in whatever way she can. Today, though, seemed a bit unusual because there was no sign of her at all. No good morning greetings, no calls, social media posts whatsoever.

"Should I call her paren-"

"No. Not yet. We have to search for her ourselves. We can't worry them they live hours away."

"Shownu, you guys have two more meetings to attend."

"But hyung! I can't be put at ease without knowing her whereabouts!" Shownu practically screams, silencing everyone. He has never spoken to their manager that way before. You can see the concern etched into his voice. Their manager sighs.

"I'll have some people search for her, okay? Give me a list of places. After the two meetings, if there is nothing, I'll let you go. You cannot skip out on these meetings, Shownu. You must remain professional."

Everyone knows Shownu never cries. The only time he ever did was their first, when he was moved by their fans in concerts, and the day Na Hyun got hurt. Today, he was in the brink, holding it in as much as he can.

Their manager kept his word, having some staff that knew Na Hyun search for her in places like the playground, the park, the coffee shop, and her own brand new studio company. But there was no sign of her, and her studio was closed even though the hours were stated that she should've been open.

The whole time, all the members couldn't focus on their meetings, especially Shownu. His hands were filled with sweat as he wiped them on his joggers every minute, his heart beating fast.

When the meetings were over, Shownu sprinted outside to his manager followed by the others behind him.

"We checked everywhere Shownu. The only place we didn't check was her house."

Shownu patted their manager as he gave him the keys to their van. They all ran frantically, as Shownu sped to her home.

"Hyung chill out a little, I don't want us to get caught up by the police for speeding." Kihyun who was in the passenger seat puts a hand on his shoulder. His mind was only on one thing, and it was her and her safety.

"He's right, not only would it create scandals if media found out but it could prevent us from finding her faster if police get involved with us."

With Wonho's points, Shownu took a breather before switching, giving the wheel to Hyungwon.

It was not long before they got to her apartment. Shownu opened the car door before Hyungwon even had the opportunity to park. The rest followed suit, with Hyungwon managing to parallel park sloppily.

"Hyung you can't bust the door open you'll cause a commotion." Changkyun speaks up as Shownu lifted his fist against the door, ready to pound it.

He frantically searches before realizing that Na Hyun can have a spare key, considering how forgetful she can be. Shownu checks under the door mat and potted plant, but finds nothing.He feels for the top of the door frame, feeling successful once he felt a key.

Shownu practically shoves the key in, jiggling the door before finally pushing the door open. Rather than removing their shoes like they usually do, they run inside, pushing to the front to find her.

But it wasn't that difficult, because Shownu quickly spotted her, lying on the living room floor.


Shownu sprints towards her, kneeling to the ground to cradle her, lightly slapping her awake. He brings his ear close to her heart, checking to see if her heart was still beating. Thankfully, it was.

This moment reminded him of the time she was stabbed, and he couldn't help but be traumatized by it as if it were happening all over again.

The others began to fan her with random magazine from the coffee table, as Kihyun stood up, running to the kitchen to look for ice packs.

Once he returned, Na Hyun twitches lightly, before her eyes fluttered open, slowly gaining vision. It was not long before she realizes who is with her in her home, sitting up to stretch.

"What are you guys doing here?" She says in a groggy yawn. Shownu unexpectedly grabs her face, wide eyed as he searched for any injuries.

"W-What happened to you? Are you okay?!"

Seeing his frantic state woke her up more. "Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"You didn't answer any of our calls or text and you didn't go to your studio! We thought something happened to you, Noona." Kihyun says, coming back from the kitchen after returning the ice packs.

"What? What time is it?!" Her eyes grew wide, grabbing Shownu's wrist to check the time on his watch.

"10:34?! I slept for nearly 24 hours?!" As realization hit her, she slowly slumped into Shownu's back, bringing her hand to her head.

"It's like I put myself into a coma or something."

"Why did you sleep for so long, Noona?" Jooheon asks as Hyungwon and Changkyun organize the magazines.

Na Hyun sighs as Shownu envelopes her, kissing her forehead in relief. She's okay.

"I haven't been sleeping well lately and I've been kind of stressed with work I guess."

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?"

Na Hyun Let's our a chuckle, remembering what happened. "Oh, I was too lazy to change and I was extremely tired.. and my dog was lying on the floor so we were cuddling when I fell asleep with him."

It was Shownu's turn to laugh. He felt that he could relax now seeing her completely fine.

"You're sleeping schedule is probably messed up." Shownu gets up, pulling Na Hyun along with him.

"Yeah but now I'm actually hungry." Na Hyun scratched her eyes, removing the groggy feeling.

"I'll order some jjajangmyeon, I think all the worrying got you guys starving."

Na Hyun was thankful to have friends that were concerned for her. She was confident that if something did happen to her, they will move mountains just to find her.

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