Chapter 2: Time of Change

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Misaki's POV
5 years later

"I'm going to close up!" I said.

"Alright Misaki have a nice night!" My pastry chef said happily.

   Five years have passed since I left the condo for good. The last time I saw Usami-San and Nii-San, the last time I heard of them was when Usami-San published his latest book. I also saw his latest BL novel was published under his pen name and using Nii-San for his fantasies. I quit at Marukawa so I don't have to see him during work and I work as head chef in a fancy restaurant.
   The last few years I lived with Minami helping her raise Mahiro. I'm shocked how Nii-San just abandoned his son like that, well I can't change that for them, I'm not going to cause trouble for them. Minami and I have learned to work together and move on from our former lovers and we became good friends. She even got a job working on a television station as a weather reporter.

"Minami, I'm home!" I announced loudly.

"Mitaki!" Mahiro cheered happily running up to hug me.

"How was work, Misaki?" Minami asked smiling brightly.

"It was fine but I have to finish a report." I answered.

"Okay Mahiro, remember how we promised when Misaki got home you would go to sleep." Minami told him.

"Mitaki, can I stay up please?" Mahiro asked giving his best puppy dog eyes.

"No Mahiro but I'll tuck you in." I replied sternly.

"Yay!" Mahiro cheered. I carried him to his room.

"Goodnight Mahiro." I said kissing him on the forehead.

"Goodnight Mitaki!"'He smiled before I left the room, Minami was in the kitchen sipping some tea.

"You want some Misaki?" She asked.

"No thanks." I answered politely.

"Misaki, thank you helping me with Mahiro for the last few years, I couldn't have done it without you.."Minami told me.

"It was nothing but I think I wouldn't have done anything without you, I'd probably be homeless and heartbroken." I chuckled.

"Anyway how did your first day of work go?"

"Really well, and the pay is good with my money as a news anchor and your job as a chef we could get out of this little house." She said excitedly.

"I think the house is pretty charming." I replied.

"I know but it has... too....many... memories." She admitted I nodded.

"Well then we can leave if you want but remember about Mahiro he loves this place, the backyard, his school and all of his friends." I reminded.

"I know but I will be a new life for us!" She exclaimed happily, I nodded smiling brightly.

"Misaki, I also want to say thank you for being a father to Mahiro, the last he saw...Takahiro was during court for our divorce and he just left... without a second thought." I sighed.

"Since Nii-San isn't here someone needs to be here for Mahiro and you especially that you didn't have a job." She smiled at me.

"Now things will be different... for the both of us."

"They will."

"I'm going to bed, if you want some food leftovers are in the fridge." She told me.

"Alright goodnight." I replied cheerfully. I yawned heating up the ramen noodles, I soon gobbled them up. I looked out the window near the kitchen counters and looked out at the shining stars.

"This will be a new life for me, Minami, and Mahiro. Mother and Father in heaven please help us have a happy life and I wish to find love again." I prayed silently.

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