Chapter 4: Reunion of Ex Lovers

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Misaki's POV

"Mahiro. Mahiro, time to wake up!" I said shaking him lightly. He sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Mitaki? I don't want to wake up!" He pouted groggily but cutely.

"Don't try to cute yourself out of it." I said lifting him up carrying him to the bathroom. I looked at the time, Minami should be going to work soon! I knocked on her bedroom door, she opened the door. She still had her face mask and curls in her hair.

"Misaki-Kun what time is it?" She asked yawning.

"Six in the morning." I answered, her eyes widened running to the her bathroom. (They have two bathrooms)

I went into the kitchen and started making a meal of eggs and rice for breakfast. Mahiro went into the kitchen getting hit by the smell.

"Mitaki, your eggs smell delicious." I smiled brightly.

"Thank you Mahiro." I replied sweetly.

"Morning Mahiro, morning Misaki-Kun." She said kissing Mahiro on the cheek and smiling at me brightly.

"Morning Minami-San." I replied politely.

"Thank you for waking me up, you're a lifesaver." I smiled serving the food.

"Well you did so much for me so I do what I can." I told her as we all sat down. We said a quick prayer and ate quickly. After breakfast we got into the car to take us to work and Mahiro to school.

"Bye Mother, Bye Mitaki!" He shouted running to the school gates.

"Bye Mahiro!" We both called out back to him. We began driving to the restaurant I worked at.

"Do you think it's cute that he still calls you Mitaki even though he knows your name is Misaki." I chuckled lightly.

"Yah it's adorable." I replied blushing in embarrassment lightly. We arrived at the restaurant.

"Have a good day at work, Misaki-Kun!" Minami told me smiling.

I nodded. "You too!" I said running inside the restaurant. I got immediately to work starting to cook as soon as the first order came in. I smiled all the way as I cooked and gave instructions to my fellow co workers. Pork miso soup

"Misaki Kun?" Nami San, the manager called.

"Yes Nami-San?" I replied politely.

"This man asked for pork miso soup with no green peppers made by specifically you." I almost dropped the pot I was holding, it reminded me of what Usami-San used to eat, he hated green peppers. I sighed but nodded. I began making the soup with no green peppers. I ringed the bell.

"Order up!" I called. The waitress took the food away to a nearby table to where sat the Great Lord Usami-San! I froze, I made miso soup for my old lover!

"Misaki-Kun? Are you alright?" Nami -San asked worriedly.

"Yah I'm fine." I reassured.

"Look at you you're shaking, why don't you go home and get some rest." I would usually refuse but I really didn't want to see Usami-San so I nodded. I hurriedly got my coat and started opening the back door before Nami-San stopped me.

"Before you leave Misaki-Kun, the man who you made that soup for wants to thank you personally." Nami-San told me.

"Uhhh.. I really shouldn't-" I replied starting to walk out the door.

"Oh come on Misaki-Kun it's for a customer and some of the co workers say he's a famous author." She exclaimed.

"More like a famous cheater." I thought. There's no point in trying to leave I would have to face my fears eventually.

"Alright." I went into the restaurant. I spotted him immediately his silver hair and purple eyes don't help. He was right beside the kitchen. Was he watching me?

His eyes widened looking at me. Did I change? I grew like two inches and that's it. I know I matured a lot since I had to be like a father to Mahiro and sort of a husband to Manami.

"Hello my Misaki." He said giving me his pervy smile.

"I'm not yours," I stated firmly.

"Anyway thank you for making me that miso soup it was absolutely delicious.... it tastes exactly the same when you lived with me." He told me continuing to sipping his soup.

"By the way how long do plan on staying away? You can't possibly be financially doing fine, name your price for you to stay with me." He said giving me another pervy smile.

"I don't need your money and I don't want it." My fists began to tighten.

"As if." Usami chuckled lightly. "You're just twenty six and probably living alone on the brink on debt."

"Usami-San I'm not a child anymore or a brat I'm an adult and I learned to move on from you  especially on what you did to me!" I almost shouted.

"What do you mean move on, I was the one who needed to move on, and what do you mean what I did to you!" He asked angrily.

"You cheated on me." I answered angrily.

"I did not!" He replied in shock.

"Yeah right, I saw you red handed under Takahiro doing it!" I almost shouted.

"I did not cheat on you and you left me alone so I got together with him because he's at least a person who didn't leave me in my time of need!" He shot back. "And I came back to get you back.

"You made your decision on who you wanted to be with, stay away from me! I left for a reason!" I shouted angrily not taking it anymore.

"Misaki-Kun is there a problem? Is this customer bothering you?" Nami-San asked walking between us in worry.

"Actually yes." I answered looking at Akihiko in anger.

"B-But-" Usami-San stuttered.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Nami-San told him sternly but politely. Usami-San slammed on the table stomping out of the restaurant. I sighed in relief.

"I'm so sorry Nami-San." I said rubbing my forehead.

"It's alright Misaki-Kun, I'm guessing you know him?" She guessed her brow raised.

"Yah, He was my boyfriend but..." Nami-San put her hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me but you should go home you seemed stressed lately." I sighed but nodded. I grabbed my coat and took out. I looked outside to see if his car was there, it wasn't thank god. I ran to my car and drove off.

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