Chapter I: Dragonnest

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Kim-Ly stepped out of the boat, which was rocking to and fro on the soft waves beneath. Having felt like an idiot after losing her balance and tumbling to the ground in a nosedive the first time she had set foot off this exact boat, she minded her steps while pretending to be a woman of culture. Her pride would never again be insulted thusly by her clumsy fool of a body.

She made her way over to the side of the pier as to not be crushed by the wave of students pouring out after her. Leaning on the wooden fence of the pier she observed the picturesque scenery presenting itself to her.

Orange light splashed over the calm surface of the nearby lake as the sun said its goodbyes for the night. In the distance a couple of birds could be seen fighting over what seemed to be a positively luxurious branch on which they could settle down for their nightly dose of siesta.  In this case it seemed that birds of a particularly stubborn feather had flocked together, guaranteeing for a mighty bird battle before bedtime.

The fresh and invigorating smell of mountainous air set itself apart from the stifling humidity which usually reigned over the main part of Vietnam. Here and there colourful blossoms breathed a sweet perfume into the air, which went on to be wafted through the lands by soft winds.

Where pier met lush greenery, there lay a cobbled path ahead. This path led up and up a troop of stone-steps to finally fill out into the grand temple complex of Dragonnest. The main temple stood proud upon the hill, its ruby-colour and golden ornaments emanating a powerful gleam as the last rays of sun reflected off it. Alike the years before a conjured dragon was aloft over Dragonnest. Its body was of a golden colour. With calm majesty it glided through the air and dove down passing by the students who had all turned to look upon the magnificent being. Neophyte students as well as experts regarded the spectacle in awe. To its spell master up again the dragon went and settled atop the pedestal in front of the main entrance. There it became, once again, an unmoving statue.

Truly, this was a sight to behold; one of which Kim-Ly was sure she would never forget in all her life.

„Made it out of the boat alive, I see," a teasing tenor voice came up behind her.

Kim-Ly huffed, turning around to see her public nuisance of a friend standing there, mischief dancing around in his walnut brown eyes.

„Oh, pipe down, Xuan!" She shoved him in a playful manner as he went to stand beside her.

His mouth dropped open in mock indignation. „Heaven's above, woman! You can't just attack someone," he exclaimed.

„For you, I've got a free pass."

His hand shot up in the air. „Objection!"

„Overruled!" piped up another voice behind them, interrupting their bantering.

The two of them turned around to be met with an amused looking Linh Ti, strolling over to them. Like Kim-Ly she was already wearing her school uniform, the beige Ao Dai and white flowing trousers complementing the darker beige of her skin and café noir hair magnificently.

„You're not teasing her about the incident again, are you?" She chuckled, leaning on the pier's fence beside Xuan.

„Me?! I would never!" he replied, doe-eyed. Kim-Ly drew her wand, which made him go from sweet little bambi to scared little pup in a matter of milliseconds. „Ok, there's no need for that. Now breathe in and out calmly."

Kim-Ly sighed shaking her head at his childish behaviour. „Calm down, I just wanted to send a Ngoibaove to my mum."

Before Xuan could retort with another melodramatic statement, Linh Ti spoke up: „Alright, you two, I think we should get going." She then let her eyes flick over Xuan's clothes. „And why the hell aren't you wearing your uniform yet?"

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