Chapter III: Git and Moodypants

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Author's fiddle-faddle:

Ciao, my dear magical folk,
I guess a warning is in order since this chapter contains some vulgar language.

But besides that, my apologies for the long wait. I've been quite busy with school and couldn't find the inspiration in me to write. Therefore I'm glad that I finally took the time to do so.

Read. Vote. Comment. Eat some beans. Do whatever you like.


So, there she was, advancing through the trees, her wand outstretched. This time she did not stop at the clearing but went deeper and deeper, to the heart of the forest.

Darkness grew around her, the shrubbery became more dense with every step she took. Little cuts stung on her cheeks, where thorns had managed to graze her skin. At every rustle, piercing the eerily silent air, her heartbeat accelerated.

Unbeknownst to her, two pairs of eyes were following her form as she struggled on, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Just a little further.

As time went by, Kim-Ly's anticipation grew, her senses heightened from the thrill of impending danger. Where was this thing?

Kim-Ly shuddered. The air had taken on a cold touch, despite it being a rather sunny day. But the foliage above her had become too dense for the sun to fight its way through. Therefore, only a few rays illuminated the mossy ground.

Her eyes fell on the plants growing in this part of the forest. Most were rotten, their leaves full of moth-bitten holes.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her heartbeat, which pounded in her ears, as if marking every second that passed with a dull lub-dub. Lub-dub.

The idea of using Homenum revelio came to her mind. She cursed herself for not having thought about it before, after all, this was the perfect opportunity.

And so she began, with practiced expertise, drawing a circle in the air. But the snapping of a twig to her right interrupted her.

She hurled around, her wand grasped so tightly, that her hand took on a blotchy white hue.

There it was.

Only a few meters away from her, stood the cloaked figure, unmoving.

Kim-Ly did not dare advance, lungs constricted, her breath coming out in laboured puffs.

„Who are you?" she called out, hoping no tremble of her voice would give away how intimidated she felt.

No response.

„Show yourself!" she called out once again. Steadier, this time.

Just as she wanted to take a step forward the figure in front of her had cast a disarming spell, leaving her to watch as her ebony wand fell onto the mossy forest soil beneath, out of her reach. What had she gotten herself into?

She wanted to dive for her wand, since without it, she would be left vulnerable, with no certain means of defending herself.

But she was soon relieved of her plans when from behind, she received a harsh kick between her kneecaps.

With a groan she fell to the floor.

A low chuckle sounded from behind her, making her turn her head to be met by the face of a man, she assumed to be in his forties, crinkled up in a malicious grin, which showed his yellow teeth.

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