Chapter V: Wands & new acquaintances

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Before we begin with this chapter, a big thank you goes out to
@-extinctae and @Poodlekadoodle for brightening up my day with their comments! It really means a lot to me and I'm happy that you've enjoyed the story so far.


Charing Cross road lay silent in the dark night, the tall street lights casting only a dim light in the suffocating mist. Usually bustling with plenty of hurried passers-by, not a soul was wandering the streets at this early hour, except for a cat, whose dark and smooth fur blended in perfectly with the surrounding darkness.

Kim-Ly watched as with feline deftness the cat clawed its way up the sturdy trunk and protruding boughs of a nearby tree. Trees as such were scarce in the city, for the Blitz had inflicted many wounds on it, and trees had been placed there to improve the ambiance of the city, which was otherwise littered with construction sites.

A subtle shiver ran through Kim-Ly's body as the crisp air nipped at her skin, its cold nature a strong contrast to the embracing warmth in Beijing.

She reached for her satchel and set it on the pavement, hastily moving her hands through the chaos inside in search of her black travelling cloak. A frustrated huff escaped her lips when she could not find it immediately.

„Espresso!" called out a male voice.

Kim-Ly's eyes widened in surprise while the rest of her body froze in place at the unexpected voice.

„I can see you up there," the voice continued, approaching the spot where she was crouching down, hands still in her messy satchel. „Yes, Espresso, don't look at me like that. You're not as stealthy as you think you are."

The steps drew even nearer. They sounded precise and hard, rhythmic almost, reminding her of a military march.

With curiosity, Kim-Ly turned to look over her shoulder, squinting her eyes in the dark to make out the form of this newcomer.

The footsteps halted even before she'd even completely turned her head.

Her eyes now set on the strange nightly companion who was apparently hallucinating about caffeinated drinks and talking to them, she could finally make out his appearance.

He was a young man, perhaps even as young as her, not towering in height, but not small either, dressed in simple attire. Dark brown trousers and a plain, neatly tucked in white shirt, accompanied by leather lace up oxfords, clad his athletic body.

A mane of dark and thick hair, which looked to have been not-so-efficiently tamed with hair gel, sat atop his head, its playful look softening the hard and angular features of his face.

Kim-Ly's observation finally reached the young man's eyes. He did not meet her gaze, however, his eyes set on a spot just beside her.

They were neither warm nor cold, but had an evasive, yet unnervingly calculating nature about them. Long and perfectly arched lashes, framed his unusual gaze.

With an arched brow, Kim-Ly got up from where she was crouching and turned around to face him, her eyes still trained on him. After they had stood in silence for far too long than Kim-Ly pleased, she decided to take the initiative.

„Sir? Are you alright?" she said, a smidge of cockney shimmering through her RP.

Her accent seemed to have caught the stranger off guard, since his dark orbs flickered to her own. But they did not stay there for long, wandering off to her side so quickly, Kim-Ly wasn't even certain their eyes had really met.

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