Chapter VII: Hungry stairs & a riddled breakfast

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For anyone who has read the unedited chapters: They are now in their sixth year at Hogwarts. I'm sorry if the changes have caused any confusion.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story <3 Feel free to comment on any mistakes or anything for that matter. Your input is always welcome!

She had expected she would have some sort of mental exchange with this magical hat. Maybe even some encouraging words, a long occlumency spiel, heart-to-hat conversation, or something of that sort. Apparently, the nature of her character was much easier to deduct than she had previously thought, because the hat had come to a decision without the 'Maslow talk'.

„Gryffindor!" it called out and the table to her left broke out in tumultuous applause, which made her smile. How could she be deserving of such an enthusiastic welcome? It warmed her heart to think that the students here, who did not even know her, had such an open mind. If she was being honest with herself, the applause might not have been solely for her support, but a competitive signal toward the other houses, perhaps even applauding for applauding's sake. Nevertheless, her elated mood would not be spoiled so easily.

She turned away from the crowd to return the hat to its rightful place on the battered wooden stool. Alright then, keep your secrets.

As she stepped down from the small rostrum, there, amidst the crowd she spotted a mane of tousled dark brown hair and sharp mahogany eyes shining through, belonging unmistakeably to Siegfried, who was clapping politely. She waved at him with a bright grin and mouthed 'talk later'. A nod confirmed that he had understood.

When she returned to the Gryffindor table her friends were still clapping for her.

„Shush, you're making me blush," she laughed at their enthusiastic behaviour, sitting down at her previous spot.

„I didn't expect for you to be put in Gryffindor," Dorian mused, though without any disappointment. In fact, he seemed rather happy about the hat's decision.

„The first student I met was a Gryffindor, so I wager destiny is at fault for this," she winked at a pouting Nick. „But wait a minute! Were you just saying I don't fit in the Gryffindor house of heroism?"

Dorian reddened noticeably. „Not at all!" he exclaimed, „you fit in perfectly. It was just a thought..."

A rumbling bass voice to the side caught their attention. „That's what is called teasing, dear brother mine."

The man in question set his regard on Kim-Ly, who immediately had to curb her drool production at his unique and rugged handsomeness. His well-trained and broad build could sure hold up in terms of size against Lestrange's. A rough stubble, brought out the tough features of his masculine face making him look at least five years their senior. Alike his brother, distinctly teal eyes shone from beneath strong eyebrows, which seemed to be in a constant frown. While Dorian's sandy brown curls were kept short, his brother's were tied back in a loose bun. The most peculiar thing about his appearance, though, were the multiple silver piercings which adorned his face; there were three to his right ear, one at his right eyebrow and a septum through the tip of his nose.

„It's great to see you in Gryffindor. You'll find we're a swinging hot bunch of people," he welcomed her, eyes aglow with geniality and attentiveness, then turned to the rest of them, "but please keep quiet while the last few get sorted."

Ilaria saluted. „Naturally, Headboy Irwin."

„Got it, Haylan," Dorian murmured.


The sorting was over. The far too long welcome speech held by Dippet's narcotic voice luckily was as well. The immense feast now lain out on the many golden plates before them and beakers overflowing with drinks of every kind, seemed as if they were a reward for making it through the speech in a non-comatose state. Dippet's presence was very unlike her former Headmaster's at Dragonnest, Master Cao, who had an imposing voice and an aura of remarkable charisma. And apparently, his morality was far from ideal, as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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