Hetalia headcanons

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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN THESE. I just found them and wanted to share them with you.


1. When Gilbert realized that Ludwig had grown taller than him, he went out and got drunk out of his mind.

2. Both of the German brothers can play any string instrument you put in front of them.

3. Gilbert used to tell Ludwig bedtime stories, but he never told him that the "awesome knight" was actually Gilbert himself. Ludwig didn't figure it out until he nearly fully grown.

4. Ludwig loves gardening.

5. Germany loves to bake. He secretly watches Hungary cook, only Prussia and Austria know this.

6. He's afraid of live chickens, not baby chicks...just chickens. So he's constantly replacing Gilbert's pet before it grows up.

7. He was actually quite shy when he was younger. (He only got over it once he grew up and realized everyone around him was an idiot.

8. Ludwig is ambidextrous.


Well that's all for Germany, for now.

Comment or message me who you want me to do next! bye!


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