Random headcanons

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1. While they were growing, America could always see his brother. They would usually talk all day, though America did most of the talking. England, who couldn't see Canada very easily, thought America was talking to his imaginary friends. He always felt awful when he realized it was his other son.

2. The reason why Switzerland always skips school in Gakuen Hetalia is to work a couple more part-time jobs. He only goes back to beat up anyone who bullies Liechtenstein.

3. When America was small his mother told him to go and become friends with the other nations that had come to their land. She told him that they would become his greatest Allies and his closest friends. She knew that America birth signified her own death, but she only wished for her sons happiness.

4. England spends hours on end watching re-runs of Doctor Who to prepare for the new season.

5. Every nation has tried to kill themselves at least once. Some nations, more than others. Even if they know it won't work.

6. Fem!Italy was a complete tomboy when she was a child. Fem!Holy Roman Empire was always the one to come in her aid.

7. When Denmark gets pissed off at someone he hides all their socks, shoes, slippers, etc. anything that can protect their feet and then gets a crap ton of Legos and just spreads them all over the persons floor.

8. All nations can summon their national animals. (America can summon an eagle, England can summon a lion, etc.)

9. England and Spain like to play Battleship. It reminds them of their pirating days. The game usually ends with Spain crying, "No! My Armada!"

10. All the UK bros and Sealand snuck into the same meeting, dressed as England, to see what meetings were like. While England was there. They all sat on him and claimed to be the'Alpha Brit'.

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