More Headcanons

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I was wondering, is anyone reading this . Do you like it? Should I keep writing these? Comment what you think. And thanks for reading my little rant.


1. America absolutely hates it when other countries/people trash his house,(chip bags not thrown away,empty cans,etc.) he's cautious about it getting to messy when countries/people come over. But when he trashes it himself, he couldn't care less, Same when he's at someone else's house.

2. He Bad Touch Trio are all incredibly skilled in all aspects of beauty. They discovered this when, on one of their troublesome adventures, they captured England.

Spain had styled up his hair. Prussia applied make up. France, being France, forced England into a pretty dress.

England ended up looking a sparkly prostitute of sorts, but the Bad Touch Trio did a surprisingly good job. Because of this a lot of the female come to them with apparel issues.

3. "I'm a bad boy", APH Denmark murmurs darkly, stroking a kitten that he dressed up in a pink bow tie and sitting in the Lego castle he built with Sealand.

4. The Bad Touch Trio formed because the three if them all found their respective laughs to be downright hilarious.

5. Sweden's house looks like an IKEA catalog.

6. England likes to play chess. He's very skilled at it, and has only been defeated by Scotland. Sealand has come really close though.

7. Latvia likes to make up stories and Fairy tales, but he is usually to shy to tell them. However, if nation can get him to, its usually worth the effort.

8. Japan and China are really good at holding their alcohol. Taiwan, Hong Kong, and S. Korea, not so much.

9. Denmark loves The Princess Bride. He loves to annoy Norway with quotes from it even more.

10. Prussia no longer represents a country, but instead all those who rebel. Everyone who aspires to rise becomes a part of him and that's why he'll never die.


That's it for this chapter, so tell me what you think and yeah that's it. Tell me if you want headcanons from an specific country. Also, if you want me post a chapter with imagines or any other idea you have. Thanks!

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