Best friend

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Adelaide p.o.v
I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains and on my skin. I groaned and got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a nice long bath then I brushed my teeth. I wrapped my self in a towel and went to my closet. I picked out a white ripped jeans, a blue crop top and a pair of white puma sneakers and a leather jacket. After I slipped my clothes I retreated down the stairs. I see my mom making breakfast and my dad drinking coffee. My mom had brown hair that reached her shoulders and grey eyes. My father had blue eyes and light blonde hair. I had greyish green eyes and tall blonde hair. Come to think of it my hair was taller than most girls and every time I cut it, it always grew back with in a few weeks.
"Good morning mom Good morning dad" I greeted.
"Good morning sweety" the said in unison and I laughed lightly. My parents seemed like they were made especially for each other. I sniffed and smelt bacon and eggs. Hmm my favourite.
"Mom where is Leyla and Ingrid" Those are my sisters.
"Leyla already left for school and Ingrid is still asleep she's not going to work today". She set my plate on the table and I take a seat. After I finished my breakfast I kissed my parents good bye and made my way to my car its a black Mercedes Benz- A 45.

I was driving to school when my phone starts ringing. I check the ID caller to see its Axel. He's one of my three best friends. You have Axel, Clarice and Andrew. (Axel and Andrew or unidentical twin brothers).  I pick my phone up, answer it and get my eyes back on the road.
Adelaide - "Hey Axel what's up"
Axel - "Hey Ade you on your way to school" (Ade is my nickname).
Adelaide - "I'm on my way now I'll see you in about five minutes".
Axel - "Okay bye"
Adelaide - Bye.

I hang my phone up and continuing driving to school. I'm at the parking lot. I park in my usual space and head to the front of the school. I see Axel, Andrew and Clarice waiting for me at the entrance. So let me tell you a little about my best friends.

Andrew - He wore a white T-shirt black jeans and a black leather jacket. He is sweet, caring, funny and understanding. He has dark brown hair like his father and greyish green  eyes like his mom. He was well built and had the perfect body. (and so did Axel) He has a eight pack, your wondering how I know this its because I've seen both him and Axel shirtless multiple times. That did not affect me I have no romantic feelings towards him or Axel. I think of them as big brothers. The girls at school are dying over him and are always throwing themselves at him.

Clarice - She was really pretty. She had red hair and blackish brown eyes. She is beautiful, dependent and kind. She wore a black floral dress with white pumps. The boys at school always hit on her. And she was a little fire cracker. She loved getting into trouble and I always ended up in trouble with her.

Axel - He wore a blue T-shirt dark blue jeans and a leather jacket. He had light blonde hair like his mom and green eyes like his father. He is funny, sweet and protective.
The kids at school seem to fear both Andrew and him and the girls keep dying over him as well.

"Hey guys" I greeted they all smiled at me. Clarice gives me a hug.
"Hey Ade, come on" she pulls me to our lockers.
"Which class do we have first" I open locker and start looking for a book.
"History" She frowned and I laughed at her expression. I took out my history book and closed my locker.
"Cheer up, I hate history too" I bump her shoulder and she smiles at me. About two minutes into history class and I lost interest in everything Miss Adams our old history teacher said. I'm so bored. I don't give a rats ass about what happened in 1970. I heard an ambulance and I looked out the window to see paramedics loading a body into the ambulance and police officers scattered everywhere.
I mumbled under my breath, "What the hell is going on".
" Miss Montgomery, The teacher catches my attention and I turn my gaze to back yo her.
"Ye... Before I could finish my sentence my older sister Leyla barged in the class.
" You can't be in here" the teacher tried to get Leyla out of the class but she won't move.
"Its important can I borrow Adelaide for a moment" The teacher looked at me and held up five fingers.
"You have five minutes miss Montgomery". I stuff my books in my bag and left with my sister. We were walking down the hall when I ask.
"Leyla what's going on and why are the cops here" I ask.
"Um they found a dead body somewhere outside". She explains.
"So why did you want to borrow me" We turn a corner and start walking to my locker.
"Do you remember those pain killers I gave you to keep for me".
" Yeah" I replied.
"Do you have them with you" She asks.
"Yes there in my locker. She opens my locker and takes the pills out.
" Thanks, you better get back to class" She walked me back to my class but the bell rings. "I'll see you later" she walked off into the hall.
I waited outside for Clarice.
"Hey we're going home early". She took my hand in hers and led me to Axel and Andrew's class. After they got out of class we head home. I got in my car and they got in theirs. I got home and saw Ingrid making dinner.
" Hey Ingrid " I sat my bag in the couch and went to give her a hug.
"Hey Sis" she kissed my four head and then continued cooking.
"Where is mom and dad" I looked around but I didn't see them.
"Their not here and Leyla will be home late". After I had dinner I took a shower and got dressed in a red T-shirt and a shorts. I was watching a movie when my phone starts ringing.
Adelaide - Hello
Axel - "Hey Ade its me  I was wondering if you wanted to come over"
Adelaide - Sure I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I jump out of bed and changed into a grey sweater and a blue skinny jeans. I drove to Axel and Andrew's house it was huge by the way. I knocked on the door and he came and opened it.
"Hey come in" he led me into his living room. 
"Where is Andrew and your parents". I ask.
"Their on a business trip and Andrew's out" he replied.
"Ade do you want a beer" he asked.
"Yeah". He came back with two beers and he gave me one. After we finished those bear I drank about 12 more and Axel drank about five.

My Two Alpha Hybrid Mates/ The Bond Between A Brother And Sister.Where stories live. Discover now