Apple Pie (06)

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Tiffany stands to the side, watching Taeyeon wash every dirty bowl they've used in the kitchen. At first, she objected to having Taeyeon touch anything because her perfectionism dictates that no one can wash those dirty dishes as clean as she can. Taeyeon compromised by splitting the workload. She let Tiffany wash the smaller items like the utensils and knives and insisted that she'd wash the pans, bowls, plates and cutting board.

The dark-haired woman didn't want to move from the sink after she was done but Taeyeon playfully nudged her aside and assured her that she'd only put the washed dishes on the drying rack after they have passed Tiffany's inspection.

And the blonde kept her word. She told Tiffany to check everything and to put those that didn't pass her inspection back in the sink for her to redo.

After a few minutes, Tiffany started to feel more relaxed and, out of respect to Taeyeon's effort, she decided to stop her 'inspection' and let Taeyeon do her thing. If there's anything she needs to redo, she'd do it after Taeyeon has left.

"Done!" exclaims Taeyeon as she turns off the tap and takes the hand towel Tiffany offers her.

"Thanks for the help."

"Don't mention it. It's the least I could do after your hospitality and the cooking lesson. I'm sorry I'm such a bad student," apologizes Taeyeon while hanging the towel in its place neatly.

"You did okay," Tiffany says. "I hope Key likes it."

"You and me both," replies Taeyeon. "I should get going. Wouldn't want to trouble you more than I have." She moves to take the roast chicken, only to realize a second later that her hands are full and she can't carry the mash potatoes and vegetables at the same time.

Tiffany smiles when she sees Taeyeon's confused expression and picks up the plate of vegetables and the bowl of mash potatoes. "Lead the way," she says.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping. Now move before everything gets cold."

Taeyeon smiles gratefully at Tiffany and starts to walk.

They go to her house, place everything in the kitchen and Tiffany excuses herself to get ready for her husband to come home.

"Thanks again," Taeyeon says as she walks Tiffany to the door.

"You're welcome."

"I hope this experience doesn't traumatize you."

Tiffany stops at the doorway and turns towards Taeyeon, her lips pulled into an unexpectedly sincere smile. "It's been fun, actually. It's nice to have someone accompany me during the day and while I cook."

"You're going to redo all the dishes I washed, aren't you?"

Tiffany laughs. "Nah. I think you did a great job. Thank you for understanding."

"Thank you for letting me help even though I lack so much." Taeyeon then takes a step forward. "I mean what I said though. You're already perfect so it's okay to relax every once in a while." She reaches out and lightly brushes Tiffany's cheek with her thumb. "You look so much more beautiful when you smile or laugh, not serious or tense. So smile more often, okay, Tiffany?"

Tiffany freezes for a moment, shivering when Taeyeon's skin meets hers.

"R-right. Ye-yes. Thank y-you," she stutters and steps away, nearly stumbling out into Taeyeon's porch. "Goodbye then."

"Bye," replies Taeyeon calmly with a smile and a wave of her hand. She watches Tiffany half running towards her house, rushing inside and slamming the door behind her. She laughs and goes inside her own house while whistling to herself. "Well now, I think I've caught her attention for sure."

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