Apple Pie (08)

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Taeyeon neatly seals the large envelope, sets it safely aside then goes to the kitchen to get another drink.

She sips her soda pop and goes to the living room to listen to the afternoon show, sitting near the telephone.

A short while later, Key appears, walking down the stairs while fixing his denim jacket.

"Going somewhere?" asks Taeyeon.

"I have a date, remember?" replies Key as he takes out his comb and stands in front of the mirror to fix his hair. "Don't wait up. I think tonight's the night."

"Well good luck to you."

After he's satisfied with his looks, he turns around and notices Taeyeon's sitting position. "You're still confident that she'll call?"

Taeyeon nods. "They always do."

"How bad did she freak out anyway?"

"Pretty bad. She basically ran upstairs to her room in tears."

"Tears? That's bad."

"I know."

"No one ever cried before, right?"

"That's right."

"Then how can you be sure that she'll call?"

"I saw her eyes," says Taeyeon. "Plus, she's the loudest so far. Her switch has been flipped on in a big way and there's no way she can turn it off again," she adds with a smirk. "You should've seen her. No woman can compare to her. She's so sexy and she tastes better than her apple pie. Her honey thighs-..."

"Stop right there. I've just managed to forget the images from the first time you told me so don't say another word." He sighs, shakes his head at the laughing Taeyeon and heads out the door. "Karma, Taeyeon. Be careful," he says before leaving the house.

"Sure," mumbles Taeyeon as she sips her drink and continues listening to the radio.

She's about to put the empty soda pop bottle in the kitchen when her phone rings.

Unexpectedly, her heart starts to beat faster in excitement as she coolly approaches the ringing phone and lifts the receiver. "Hello?" she says in a calm tone.

There's no reply so she speaks again, "Hello?"

Taeyeon can hear the sound of someone breathing on the other end but that person is not saying a word. Barely anyone out there knows her phone number and those who do – her family and acquaintances – wouldn't be pulling pranks so there's only one person she can think of who could possibly be the caller.

"Hello? Tiffany?"

There's a cute tiny gasp from the other end before the call ends abruptly.

Taeyeon can't help but laugh while placing the receiver back in its place. "Adorable Tiffany. You're making me crave apple pie." She goes to the kitchen, sees that she still has some ingredients left from when Tiffany taught her and decides to try to bake the pie.


Tiffany looks up the stairs and quietly tiptoes up a few steps, listening to the sounds coming from the person upstairs.

She hears the sound of water running – a sign that her husband is taking a shower – and sprints towards the phone.

That day, after her first physical encounter with Taeyeon, she felt guilty towards her husband and worried and scared that he would notice that she'd been crying and find out what she'd done. But when he came home and saw Taeyeon's ugly pie, he thought that his wife's red swollen eyes were from the trivial baking failure so he dismissed it without even asking her what was really wrong.

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