Apple Pie (14)

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There's another knock on Taeyeon's bedroom door but she ignores it as she lies still on her bed, eyes on the ceiling.

"I'm going to come in," comes the male voice from behind the door. "I hope you're decent."

The door cracks open and Key carefully takes a peek before entering the room.

He shakes his head at the sight of his friend lying motionlessly on the bed, goes to the window and opens the curtains to let some sunshine in. Then, to Taeyeon's groaning protest, he opens the window. "It's so hot and stuffy in here. At least get some fresh air," he tells her.

Taeyeon turns her head when the man climbs onto the bed and lies down next to her, propping his head on his hand. "Do not say you told me so," she warns him. "You were right. There. Happy? Don't rub it in."

"I'm not going to say anything," replies Key. "I'm worried about you though."

"I'm fine." Taeyeon returns her eyes to the ceiling.

"You're not. You love her, don't you?"


"She's not yours, Tae. And I don't think she can ever be yours."

Taeyeon closes her eyes as her aching heart crumbles yet again. I know that.

"Apologize to her and tell her the truth. Then if you want to move out of this place, I'm okay with it."

She quickly opens her eyes and looks at him. "What?"

"If you want to move back to the city or to another suburb, I'm okay with it."

"It hasn't been a year since we moved here."

Key shrugs. "It's boring here anyway. I miss the crowded and busy city. It's so alive."

"You're the one who needed some peace and quiet."

"I was wrong."

Taeyeon knows that Key actually likes it there and has even started his own secret affair with none other than the son of the grocery shop owner. She reaches out for his hand and squeezes it, thanking him silently. "We don't have to move."

"I think it's safer if we do. Old Mr. Wilkins has been eyeing me suspiciously and even questioned me about you when he saw me yesterday."

"Be careful."

"I'm trying to but it's the suburb. It's hard to keep things a secret for a long time. Might be easier if I live downtown. He can visit me and we'll be more free," he says before pushing himself up. "Take a shower, go downstairs and eat something. You've been locked in here for days. You look like a shriveling unwashed fruit now and you smell like dirty socks."

"Thanks," replies Taeyeon sarcastically.

"You're most welcome." He grins and pats her hand before scooting off the bed. "And go talk to her."


"Coming!" shouts Tiffany when she hears the doorbell. She wipes her hands on her apron and fixes her hair on the way to the front door.

When she pulls the door open and sees the visitor, the polite smile she has on her face disappears, replaced by an angry frown and a hurt look.

Taeyeon nervously clears her throat, looking down at her feet. "Hi," she greets her meekly. "Can we talk?"


Tiffany's about to slam the door when Taeyeon's palm hits the wooden surface, holding it open.

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