★ chapter 1 ★

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While a crowd of a million fans chanted her name, Madelyn was still in her dressing room. She is all dressed up plus ready to perform. It was time but she likes to sit here and be thankful for the wonderful things that have happened in her life.

A knock on the door interrupted her. She turned around and fix herself before getting up. She walked towards the door and twisted the knob. When she opened her door, it revealed that it was her brother, Lonnie.

"Hey Maddie, why are you not out there performing? There are a million of your fans waiting for you."
He asked, wondering why his sister was not on the stage, doing what she does best.

"I'm sorry, I just I had to sit and take my time to think about how grateful I am. Let me get out there before it be some complaining."
Maddie replied as she exit out of her dressing room.

Maddie hates to be the type to take up time knowing she has something important to do. If she continue to do that, it would leave her a bad reputation. She loves her fans so much and they don't deserve to be treated that way.

When Maddie arrived at the backstage, she felt a wave of happiness that ran throughout her body. A smile spread across her face as she could hear her fans chanting her name.

"I can't believe that this is going to be my last performance. 32 years of performing."
Maddie said to herself.

It is the year 1994 and she was about to perform in front of a lot of people. At the Arie Crown Theater, they all had to stop what they were doing and came to see her. She announced her retiring performance, earlier in the year, while she was being interviewed on Entertainment Tonight.

Her fans were crushed but had to be thankful. 32 years, she was in the spotlight. Being the diva that everyone knows her for.

Now that it is time, Maddie believe that this performance is going to be never forgotten.

Maddie felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Lonnie standing besides her.

"Those 32 years were magical. You deserve to end the night with an amazing performance for your fans."
Lonnie encouraged.

Maddie smiled and tears filled up her eyes. Her brother is always motivating her. Whether she was in a good or bad mood, she appreciate him and hope he will never change.

"Thanks Lonnie, you know this performance is going to be the highlight of my career. I hope I do well tonight!"
Maddie sighed.

"You are, don't start doubting yourself. A diva should always believe that she is going to do well."
Lonnie reminded her.

"I swear, you and your motivation. You should give up singer to be a teacher."
She joked.

"No, no, I'm fine where I am at. So go out there and perform! I be on the side watching you."
Lonnie assured as he handed her the mic.

She received it and gave him a big hug before walking out on the stage.

The crowd went wild when they saw Maddie. A few were jumping up and down while others scream crazily.

Maddie smiled and held the microphone to her lips.
"Hello my babies! Are you ready for a performance from the diva?"

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