just got back from school.

27 5 36

Now i really know which subject i hate and love the most this year..

Bahasa Malaysia.
I don't hate the subject. I don't like the teacher. Like everything we have to study first. Like yeah i studied but sometimes i don't understand... But the thing is like when we don't know something she would be like; " you guys are selected to be in this class. This is the first class. The most brilliant. But when i see you guys you guys are worst than the last class" and i'm like " bitch! I don't even want to be in this fucking class.." okay
Ik that i should not say this but.. it's the fucking truth. When she ask the class, when there is noone answering her question she'll be like comparing us to last year's class and bleh be bleh. And when someone answers it but got it wrong... Oh boi... Why...
;-; and she is the teacher that is assigned to be our class teacher for this year..
I have a feeling that i'll be hating this year

But the good news is!

Best subject

English: the teacher is tha best although he is a decepline teacher. He is very sporting in person actually. His class is so much fun. But my class would be as quite as a mouse. And the teacher is like why are you guys so quite. Discuss your idea! Don't be afraid! It's okay to be wrong you guys are still learning
And he asked us to make essay of what would you do if you have a million ringgit . And if you look at my answer.. oh boi. It's criengy and full of grammar mistake. Hahaha.
(And mostly about vocaloid.)

Geography: well i always love this subject. But the teacher this year just make it better! I love her.

Why the fuck am i ranting about my teachers here?

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