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My friend: hey try to make a scene using vocaloid songs and module names with your oc!!


Miku walked into the house

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Miku walked into the house. She was receiving creepy vibes because it was strangely dark. She saw everybody was busy with their thing. Being the trickster she is, she decided to bother everybody. Starting with Icy. She was reading a book. The book have a white edge on the corner. Using a pair scissors, she cut the white edge. Icy was mad af and grabbed a Knife and chase Miku. It's a good thing Icy kept herself together and didn't kill Miku. The she saw the twin, Lin and Rai fighting over a remote controller. Rai wanted to watch Romeo and Cinderella while Lin wanted to watch story of evil. They fought. It was a childish war. Miku doesn't want to bother her since she afraid that they will have a meltdown. She was like lol no. She went outside to see Sky practicing his pick up lines with Kai so he can tell to Icy. Miku wants to lend him a hand. She gave him an idea. "Gurl you are attractive like a magnet." "Can you be mine forever?" He said "Hey i have one! , Devour me like i'm your cat food" a moment of silence came between those three. WTF.
He tried that on Icy and got stabbed in the kokoro. The end.

I got ideas and then they just vanished to thin air!!! Wtf!!!!!!

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