More Depressed Shit Because I'm Bored.

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Kai was rummaging through a box to find something. He heard a knock on the door. It was Miku. "So.. what are you doing?" She asked and walked into the room. "I'm trying to find my long lost manga. IT'S IN HERE SOMEWHERE!!!!" He shriek. She shrugged and start rummaging through another box that was in that room. "So. Is this the one" she held up a *insert popular manga cause shit i don't read manga* and giving him a done look. "Yes!" He jolted up to Miku and took the book. She looked back into the box. "What is in these boxes?" The boxes have been there since they moved into the studio. Then she saw a small, decorated box. She opened it and revealed an amulet.

What's this? She wonder as she discovered that the amulet can be opened and revealed a picture of a girl. "Hey.. Kai. Who's this?" Kai turned around to see a curious Miku in front of his face. "Who. Is. This. Girl. Kai?" She asked, having a rather disappointed expression.

"No. I'm not- no." Kai said moving his eyes to the side (fuck idk how to write that. Welp) Miku cup his face and forced him to look at her. "Tell me or I'll kill someone tonight." Miku threatened him. "I know you wouldn't" he said nervously. 



" good."

Kai sigh, defeated.


Kai was walking alone to school. He was a regular 9 years old student with no friends and he doesn't care actually. He enjoyed being alone. The only person that ever talked to him was his family. He was a nice guy but he's just an introvert and don't interact easily with other people and get embarrassed easily.

It was a regular day. He sit at his desk while waiting for the teacher. The desk besides him was empty as he sits at the back of the class. The teacher came into the classroom "okay students, today we have a new student."

I wonder who will that be

He wondered but he didn't care because people will call him a loser anyway. So he just continue to read his book.

A girl came into the classroom. She was  light brunet with long bangs. She looks very nice and seems to be a cheerful girl.
"Ohayo! Hi everybody!" She giggled. "I'm Aika Suzuki from Tokyo, Japan and i hope that I can be friends with all of you! Nice to meet you! " The girl introduced herself to the class with her high pitch voice. "I hope you can fit in with the class. You can sit at the back of the class with Kai " the teacher told her. She skipped through the class and took her place.

"Hi!" She greeted Kai. He just gave a smile. "So, your name's Kai?" Kai blushed and nod. "No need to be shy! We're friends!"


Kai walked out the class and headed to the cafeteria. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw Aika. "Hey Hey can i sit with you?!" She asked excitedly. "U-uh.. s-suree.. I-I don't mind..." He said as he felt his face heating. "Yay!"

"So... Can you like.. umm.. introduce yourself?" Aika asked as she sat down. "O- oh. So rude of me. Uh.. I'm Kairo Ito. Um.. I'm from around here, Kanto, Japan. Uh.. i like.. um.. video games and anime.. i usually don't t-talk to people much.. so. I don't know what to say.. I'm sorry." He said as he felt his face was burning up and turning red. (He's secretly a tomatoooo okay i'll stop) "it's okay. I glad you can still open up to me like this. I can see we can be good friend." She smiled at him. He smiled back.

"I hope."

A few years past and they're being closer. Being the otakus they are they usually spends time on playing games and watch anime. Sometimes they'll tutor each other before exams. One day they went to go for a walk to the mall to find some new video games. (Guys I'm getting lazy as heck!)

"So you wanna play this? Are you sure?" Kai said as Aika held up *insert edgy games because i don't play video gameesss* "yeeeeeeeeee!!" Kai was looking at her with a bored expression. "Well.. don't rage quit okay. You broke my controller once!" "Haî" Aika salute Like a soldier. "Got it sir!" Then, they both laughed . They paid for the game and went out. They walked in front of an accessory shop. "Hey wait here. I want to buy something in here." She said and handed Kai the bag. "I thought you hate accessories?" He asked because that girl usually hates accessories because she said it's a pain in the asshole to keep it and since she always loses stuff. He rolled his eyes and nod. She sprinted to the shop.

A few moment which to Kai seems like forever Aika came out the shop. "Let's go!" Kai nod and continued their adventure on getting back home. Aika stepped into Kai's house. "Shouldn't you be going home?" Ha asked. "Nah i wanna stay here for a while." Kai shrugged and went to his room. His best friend followed him like a puppy.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey" Aika poked Kai's cheek. " What?" He said still looking at his desktop. "Close your eyes." She commanded. "Wha-? No." "Come on.." Kai faced Aika and facepalm. "Okay fine.."  Aika counted to three


He opened his eyes and saw an red amulet. It was shaped like a half of a heart. "Look! There's my picture in it! Isn't it beautiful!" She said and held out a blue one. "This is mine! It have your picture in it!" She claimed as she held out hers. " I found these in that shop. The best part is that the heart can be combine. I wanna give you this because... You're my only friend that i actually trust and you have been very nice to me ... I..
I love you so much. Well.. as a friend of course. " She said as her eyes began to filled with tears. She smiled. "I might be gone one day.. and.. i hope this can make you remember about me." Kai pulled Aiko into a tight embrace. "D- don't say that.... You sound like you are going to leave me.." Kai said as he bagan to tear up. Aiko smiled and hugged back.

Even if I'm gone. Please don't forget me.. I'll always be with you.


Kai looked down. "And after that she told me that she's suffering from a type of cancer. It's been a while. But she didn't tell me. She gave that to me a few months before she... died." Kai began to tear up. "She was my only friend back then. I never opened up to such people at school." He began to sob louder. " I fell into a deep depression. Then, I met you. But still. Her connection with me was strong. Just if.. just if i can meet her again. Spend all the time together just the two of us.. playing games, watching anime. Just if i can turn back time.. j- just i-iif ." His word began to cut off as he sob louder.

I'll never forget you...

Welll.. i wanna make a funny story. But then ended up with this shit. This is probably the longest shit my lazy ass will do. Lol.
If there is grammar mistake i apologize.

Guys. My cousins are back this monday.
Wish me luck.


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