Chapter 5

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It was obvious what kind of place they were in. There was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see. Giant dunes rolling off into the horizon. The entire crew looked around for any sign of life, but found none.

However, they did feel something...

In one direction, presumably west, the crew could feel a light breeze. That could only mean one thing: the sea.

"That," Jeremy said as he pointed in the breeze's general direction, "is a breeze. And a breeze comes from the sea."

"Right, what are you saying?" Richard asked.

"If we find the sea, then we might be able to find out where we are."

"How?" Jack asked.

"Well how else would you determine anything? I mean look around you there's nothing here!"

So it was settled. The crew would follow Captain Clarkson to find the sea. And immediately, there was a problem.

"Um... guys..." Jack said, "I have a bit of a problem."

Jack's car's ride was low. What that meant was that Jack would either have a hard time driving over the dunes, or not be able to drive over them at all. Obviously, this posed a problem. And since this wasn't your standard episode of Top Gear, they couldn't leave a man behind, and had to work as a team in order to survive. James, of course, was being James.

"Right, Jack! I'm going to try and raise the suspension of your car. But it may fail."

"Why don't we just... I don't know... let Jack ride in one of our cars? They all have more than one seat." Luke said.

"That's not a bad idea." Richard replied.

So Jack hopped into the passenger seat of Luke's Hilux. This was it. The crew could not be separated even though they were fired. They would always have grand adventures over time and space. This one was about to begin.

Jeremy held the radio to his mouth, "Are you ready? 3... 2... 1... GO!"

The four rickety old automobiles' wheels spun in the sand, the sand now flew in the beautiful blue sky as the crew set off towards what they thought was the ocean. They then would try to find their bearings to save this mysterious reality of automotive wonder. No matter what the hardships, no matter what trouble the landscape or otherwise threw at them, the five would trudge onwards through all of it. Ant in it all, was the original three. The cars leapt and slid up and down the dune faces. Sometimes though, the dunes would be so steep, the crew would have to make their way down one at a time. James had the hardest time, as he was using the old Lotus. But he never got stuck, his car trudged on like the rest. Their efforts would reap good fortune, as the crystal blue rolling waves of the unknown sea loomed into view.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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