Chapter 2

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After getting off the train I made my way to my (hopefully) new school..UA!! "Oh my gosh I'm so fucking excited for the ENTRANCE EXAMS!", I excitingly thought.
     After a few minutes of walking I finally made it to the school. Looking up I see the giant gates of UA academy. This has been what all of my time and effort has been put into. Smiling bright I quickly make my way inside. After a few introductions and the lot I'm finally about to take the physical exam.
    Apparently, there are multiple robots inside that each account to a different amount of points. The lowest being a mystery robot worth absolutely zero points. Making a memo to my self to avoid that thing at all cost I prepare myself for the incoming battle.
    Looking around at my fellow students I don't see anyone too interesting. "Welp at least now I don't have to worry about any competition", I snicker to myself. My moment was abruptly put to an end when I feel someone roughly hitting me with their shoulder. "Get out of my way you extra", I hear a deep voice say. Pissed off I look up at the  boy but I surprised to see that he was slightly familiar. Going to the deepest parts of my mind I recall the event, "Hey Slime Boi! Who the hell do you think your talking to?", I yell at him. The blonde boi turns around with an extremely angry expression, "EXCUSE ME BITCH I CAN TALK TO WHOEVER THE FUCK I WANT!!!! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN SLIME BOI???". Sighing I look up at him, "Look dude you really need to Hakuna your mother fuckin Takas we are all here for the same thing".
   Not thinking much about my words I was surprised to see his angry expression grow ten fold. "I didn't think someone could look this angry...Welp I may have fucked up..", I quietly say to myself. The blonde clenched his fist raising it up ready to strike when all of a sudden the extremely loud voice of Present Mic filled our ears, "OKAY GUYS THE BATTLE IS ABOUUUT TO BEGIN! IN YOUR MARKS...THREE....TWO..ONE...GOGOGO!!!".     
    Pushing the red eyes boy out of the way I quickly make my way inside the arena like thing. Looking back I see the boi running after me yelling, "GET BACK HERE YOU EXTRA!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RUNNING AHEAD OF ME!!!". Smiling and chucking slightly I call back to him, "Look slime boi you're kinda cute but that calling people extras thing is getting on my nerves! If you care so much about this you better run up here and prove your worth!".
    Seeing a fire light up in his eyes and a small bit of blush on his cheeks he picks up Speed yelling to me, "You beat I will bitch! I'm gonna be number one and no ones gonna stop me!".
    I smile turning around and trying my best to get him out of my mind. I need to focus all my energy into the entrance exam no time to worry about asshole slime bois. I run faster into the mayhem ready for anything!

A/N- Okay that's it folks! Sorry I haven't been updating but I finally managed to come up with the little amount of energy to actually do something with my life. :) Also I forgot to mention that there will be A LOT of cursing in this book sooooooo if you're not good with that then see-ya! Sorry but you came to read a Katsuki fanfic so your gonna get a Katsuki fanfic! Love ya!

"Love is Understanding" a Katsuki x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant