Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of weeks since the entrance exams. Life's been great! A mixture of doing absolutely nothing, training, and jamming out on my bass. I'm a huge rock fan, so I picked up the instrument a few years ago.
Right now, I'm playing the bass while listening to some Mötley Crüe, with the volume maybe a little bit too loud, when I barely here my mom calling my name.
"Y/N! Y/N! Come down here there's and envelope for you!!", she yells. I quickly turn off the music, put down my bass, and run down the stairs. Going down two steps at a time, the one thing on my mind is that envelope.
"Hey! Be careful going down the stairs!", Mom yells at me when she sees me coming down. Not caring enough about my safety, I race past her and grab the envelope from her hands.
"Sorry Mom! But this has to be the results from UA!", I squeal smiling brightly at the letter. Then I turn, run up the stairs to my room.
" This is a private thingy!", I tell down to my mom. "Whatever you say hun! Hope you get in", she tells me.
I shut the door, and run over to my desk. I sit down, take a deep breath and open up the envelope. Then something falls from the envelope and lands on my desk. The thing seems to be some type of holographic device, all of a sudden a bright light illuminated my room and a picture of All Might appears saying, "THIS IS A PROJECTION! Apologies! It's been awhile. There's been much to deliberate on". My eyes widen in confusion and amazement. I expected some sort of letter not a hologram of All Might yelling in my face!                           "I'm in town for one reason only. I've come to teach at U.A.", All Might continues to explain. A large smile appears on my face. I can't believe it! All Might teaching at a school I might be attending! Speaking of, I should probably pay attention to what he is saying," Now what I know you have been waiting for! The results of your entrance exams! Firstly, you did quite well on the written part of the exam. You scored an 95/100! That Is an excellent score!".     A smirk falls upon my face. I mean I have always done well in school. I'm not the best of the best, but book smarts just kinda came natural to me. Let's not talk about the common sense part...not gonna lie I can be a bit of a clutz sometimes. But Hey! That just adds on to my charm ;).   "Now on to the exiting part! The physical exam!", All Might exclaims," You scored an amazing amount of villain points! You scored exactly 62 points! That is amazing, however, you only scored 13 rescue points. That is on the lower side, but you still manage to score 75 points putting you in 2nd place overall!". A loud squeal escapes my mouth as I fling my arms up in astonishment. Second place! That's amazing I'm so happy! Yeah, I could have been more heroic and saved people, but hey second place is fucking great!                                                      "Considering your score I am proud to announce that you have made it into Hero course Class A of U.A High!", All Might announces with a huge smile. The hologram then cuts off and I am left with the biggest smile I have ever had on my face.
A loud squeal escapes my mouth, as I proceed to fling my arms and legs up yelling, " LETS GOOOO!" Before I have time to even comprehend my actions I'm on the floor with a crappy headache. Yea....I totally fell out of the chair, but dammit who cares I made it into UA High!!!
"What the hell was that?", mom yells at me while quickly opening up the door. She sees me on the floor, cradling my head with crazed smile on my face. " You got into UA then proceeded to fall out of your chair like an idiot didn't you?", she deadpans. Giggling I reply, "Maybe..." She sighs, but still has a sweet smile on her face. Then she walks over to me, picks me up from the floor, and brings me into a warm hug. " I'm so proud of you hunny, I knew you could do it.", she whispers into my hair. I smile and hug her back. This has been one of the best days of my life. I can't wait for my story to continue!

A/N- that's it for this chapter hope you guys like it!! 🤘🏻👍🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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