Plan? pt2

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Chris pov ~
So I had been woken up by my notifications blowing up on instagram because one fan page posted Coreys live and he was talking about JQCG and they were tagging everyone in the JQCG(E) ,now I'm not hurt bout what he said I just feel like Corey is angry because Airi mom was messing with his money I understand but at the end of the day he didn't have to bring it to social media he should've just brought it to the group chat. We would've all understood if he would've said it to the group chat. Then I heard that he was talking about DC saying how they not cool or what ever,but then again it has nothing to do with the internet it really doesn't. Let me just call this nigga DC to see if he at least saw the live.
End call.
Alright so I have this master plan to get JQCG(E) back together I'm tired of seeing all of them beef like they are acting like children to be honest. So I have to call Tray and Airi and Carmen and Corey so let me make my first call...Carmen because I know she isn't really upset well she didn't seem like it when Corey was live.
"Heyy sis" I said with a big smile on my face
"Yeah what happened bro" she said sounding confused
"Yeah I need you and Corey to come to the old house on Saturday at 2:30pm SHARP" I said serious
"For what ?"
"Because uhh uhhh"
I had to think fast or she would new something is up
"Because uh I need you and Corey to help me the key to ya room like I know where it is but it's not opening so I need ya help"
"Bro your telling me and Corey to go over there for that ? Why couldn't you ask DC your always with him you could just kick down the door" she said getting irritated
"No I don't want to do it with DC I want to do it with ya, it wouldn't be right, it was ya room at a point!"
"Alright 🙄 I'll tell Corey right now, you said on Saturday at 2:30pm?
"Yeah...SHARP" "Bet bye"
End call

So now all I have to do is call Airi to let her know then tray.
So I'm letting the phone ring and she is not answering. So I'm going to call her again she has to answer that is my best friend and I'm not going to stop until she answers( that is how me and her are we always do that to each other) so let me just call her again....
She didn't pick up, I'm just going to keep blowing it up...At this point I called about 20 times and she still didn't pick so let me just move on, next is tray.
While I am scrolling through my contacts looking for tray Airi called (FaceTime,all the calls were FaceTime)
"Heyyy gilllyyyyy" she said smiling showing her teeth and the covers over her chest
"Heyy best friend why you so happy?" I asked
"Because she just got some D" I heard a mumble
Airi started laughing
"Who gave u the D" I said with my hand over my mouth
Then all I heard Airi mumble shh before he find out
"AIRI WHO IS IT" I said curious
"Alright don't be mad"
Then she turned her phone around and I seen TRAY
My mouth grew wide open
"Ya fucking" I said shocked
"Duh that's my boyfriend,but please don't tell no one"
I always knew that Airi like tray she told me herself but I didn't expect them to be dating !
"I'm not best friend, but don't forget to use protection, promise" I said
"I ain't promising that 😂" she said laughing
"Alright since ya both her I can tell ya because I was going to call ya separate,but anyways I need ya to come by the old house on Saturday at 2:30 pm"
"For what" tray said
"Because I need help with something"
"What type of help because I think my legs going to be sore for the rest of the week" Airi said laughing
"Yeah bae cuz after this phone call we doing another round" tray said licking his lips, Airi started blushing
"Aye Aye I don't know what ya got going but ya need to stop 😂" I said
"I just need ya to help me like help me with my tv because I'm buying a new one"
"Nigga you couldn't do by yourself or why won't you call DC and then he can help you" Airi said
"Listen I'm calling you guys because Airi your my best friend and tray your blood sooo that's why I am asking"
"Fine we will go because we care to help you" Airi said
"Bet Saturday at 2:30pm SHARP" I said
"Bye" they both said
End call

Hey guys it's me and I just want to say this chapter is probably boring but next chapter I'm going to make it good
Make sure ya add this book to your library because I will uploading everyday.
Luv ya ❤️

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