Packing Day pt2

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Dre pov~
So I had woke up this morning in the hotel it was around 9:30 ken was still sleep.We really didn't have to pack because our clothes were already pack. I was deciding on if I should order breakfast or I should take us to IHOP....I made my mind we should go to IHOP it is right down the street and from there we can go straight to the old house.
"Bae get up its 10 get ready because we are going to IHOP and then from there we are going to the old house" I said shaking her
"Dreee 5 more minutes please!" She said whining
"No because 5 more minutes means forever" I said shaking her
She finally got up and headed in the shower. While she was in the shower I decided to pack all our things and make sure we have everything before we leave.Once ken got out the shower, she put on her clothes and then I hoped in.
30 minutes....
"Dre get out the shower your really taking to long and I'm hungry come on it's 11:30." She said banging on the door.
"Alright bae damn I cant never take a shower in peace" I stated
"Well maybe we should've took a shower together then" she said
I opened the door with the towel around me
"You want to get pregnant, don't you" I said smirking and rubbing against her
" Bae c'mon I'm not about to play with you" she said pushing me back and smiling.
After she said that I had slipped on some basket ball shorts some long socks and a all white t-shirt.
"Ugh why are you wearing that dre" Ken said irritated
"Because we are not going no where dc seen me in these already...PAUSEE" i said laughing
"OO YOU SO DIRTY" she said jokefully
"Anyways we are only helping dc because that is what he asked and since we are staying over he might want to play ball" so I'm prepared
"But bae we was supposed to be matching,but fine since you want to dress like that than so can I "she said rolling her eyes
I went back in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and when I came back out ken had on some baggy shorts with a t-shirt and some slides with socks.
"NOW THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT" I said screaming and kissing on her. We got our stuff and we called a Uber. The Uber app said 3 minutes so we head down to the lobby and had gave them they key back and we went outside, and our Uber was as right infront of the hotel.
We had went to IHOP and we ate after we ate we sat there for 10 extra minutes on our phone you know posting each other on Snapchat and stuff. When we was done we had called the Uber again. The Uber came in less than 3 minutes. When the driver pulled up Dre dragged our suit case to the car and had put it in the trunk ( we had two big suitcases that fit everything so we are good).
When we pulled up we saw a car parked infront of the house
"Bae who car is that" she said looking confused
"I don't know maybe dc had gotten a rental" I said shrugging my shoulders.
When we got our stuff out the Uber we when to the door and there was a note that said "GO STRAIGHT TO THE FAMILY ROOM" when we read that we was turning the door knob and surprisingly it was open! We came in the house and we went to the living room and had put our stuff on the couch.
"YOO" I said running upstairs
When i came upstairs i saw-

Carmen Pov~
So I kept hearing my door rang, I didn't get up because I thought it was in my dream but then the knocking kept going and going. So I'm like it really can't be in my dream. When I opened my eyes I heard
"Hello anyone home" while continuing to knock
That voice sounded like my mom... oh shit I forgot she is coming over to watch cj for us. I got up and I looked over and cj was sleeping on Corey's arm, it was the cutest thing ever. I went and grabbed my bath robe and I put that on even though I had on shorts with a shirt, I headed to the door and I had saw my mom standing there like she had an attitude
"You so stupid, I told you I was coming in the morning" she said in Spanish while hitting me in the back of my head
"Ouch ma why you do that " I said rubbing the back of my head
She just rolled her eyes and walked right into the house.
"Where's cj" she said in Spanish
"Mami he is sleep all of us was sleep that's why we didn't here you knocking" i saiid
"Oh I thought ya was back there making another baby" she said laughing
"You are to much, you want something to eat, we are leaving at 1:00"
"No my love I'm fine" she said turning on the tv
"Okay I'm going to wake up Corey we have to pack our clothes" I said
She didn't even respond back to me she was just staring at the tv. When I went in the room Corey's eyes open
"Good morning baby"
"Good morning" i said giving him a kiss on the lips
"I'm finna pack because I didn't do it last night, I fell asleep" I told Corey
"I know because I had to feed cj, I packed my clothes while I was at it" Corey said
After Corey said that I went straight to the closet and grabbed my bag and started to look for clothes. I was debating on if I should pack like sweat pants and tights or jeans and shorts. I sat in my closet for 20 minutes.I decided to pack all of them because I might change my mind later on. As I was done packing I saw Corey had a plate in his hand walking over to me, I knew it wasn't for me because knowing Corey.
"Here I made this for you" he said
"Oh wow really how sweet" I said giving him a kiss on the lips
"You done with your clothes? You want me to put it in the car" he said
"Yeah thanks I have to put my makeup bag in there when we leave" I said biting into the food
"Alright" he  said picking up my bag
"Damn it's heavy fuck you have in here" he said
" Clothes duh" I said laughing
After I finished eating I had washed the dishes and I had went into the shower. When I was done with that I had saw Corey already dressed
"Nigga did you even wash your ass" I said looking discussed
"Yeah I used the second bathroom duh " he said looking serious
He had on shorts slide with socks with a t-shirt that said "CCGANG" on it
"Dang should I wear my shirt" I said
"Yeah let's match"
"Alright well ima put on sweat pants with it" I said
After I told Corey that I went to go find the same exact shirt... I found it I had put that on and I decided to wear some black sweats with a messy bun and my slides with out socks(that's just how I'm feeling today)
10 minutes later...
So we was ready to leave I put my makeup bag in the car and I'm ready I got my charger and my phone
"See you mami,I'll call you later" I  said kissing her on the forehead
"Bye," She said hugging and kissing me on the cheek
Corey came in the living room with cj
"Bye my little boy daddy going to miss you" he said handing me cj so I can say my good byes
"Bye handsome mami is going to miss you" I said handing cj to my mom
"If you need money to go to the store there is money on the kitchen counter and the spare key is also there " Corey told my mom
"Okay loves have fun, but don't have to much fun" she said laughing.
After she said that we laughed and headed out the door.We were kind of late but it's only a 20 minute drive.
When we got to the old house there was a car parked infront.
"Who car dat" I said with a stink face
"Bae relax it's probably gillys rental you know how he is" Corey said
"There's a note on the door let's go, we will get the clothes later"
"The note says GO STRAIGHT TO THE FAMILY ROOM" I semi-yelled to Corey while  he locked the doors
"Alright let go" he said
When he reached the door I put the key in and the door wasn't locked.
"Okay lets go" I said
We go in and we see bags on the couch, we hear people up there
"I thought we were going to just help gilly" I whispered to Corey
"If that bitch is up there with them then it's going to be a problem because you know I want my one- ons" I also whispered
"Just chill if she is here then she's here if she touch you then do what you gotta do I got your back" Corey said holding his pinky out.
"Promise" I said
"Promise" he said
So Corey went first up stairs and I followed.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been uploading I've been lazy, and school.
But ima try and upload all next week because I have break
O, and happy Valentine's Day I hope ya have fun ( have fun for me guys bc all ima be doing is studying 😩)

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